
  • 网络Electronic account;elektronisches Konto
  1. 例如,黑客可通过电子邮箱账户,重置您的银行账户密码和其他敏感密码。

    Your email account on the phone , for instance , is a gateway to resetting banking and other sensitive passwords .

  2. 不过,蒲柏表示,在很多案例中,信息纯粹是经由私人电子邮箱账户泄露出去的。

    In a lot of cases , however , says Mr Pope , the information simply goes out via private webmail accounts .

  3. 只用了几分钟,他们不仅进入了沃尔什的电子邮箱账户,还进入了她女儿的账户。她女儿在某个时刻允许了这台电脑的浏览器自动输入她的密码。

    Within minutes , they had not only broken into Mrs. Walsh 's email account , but also that of her daughter - who at some point had allowed the computer 's browser to auto-fill her password .

  4. 这一技术的实现将成为全国第一个率先在原有离线交易系统的基础上,转为在线交易系统,实现前台电子钱包账户与后台账户的捆绑,并通过建立后台账户密码来保障卡内资金安全。

    Implementation of this technology will become the first to take the lead transferred to online trading system based on the original off-line trading systems , bundled the front e-wallet accounts with back-stage accounts , and protect the financial security card through the establishment of the account password in background .

  5. 无论是网络空间中的博客主页、电子邮箱、游戏账户等还是磁盘空间中的文档、图片、音乐等都是数字信息的组成部分。

    Blog , email , game account , etc. on the internet and documents , pictures , music , etc. on the disk are all parts of digital information .

  6. 国内知名网络社区600万密码泄露,大型电子商务网站的账户信息被泄露,都表明网络安全应当受到企业的足够重视。

    Domestic large community website ' s600million password massive leaks and account information of the famous electronic commerce website leak show that the network security should be given adequate attention .

  7. 电子支付是客户使用电子账户通过网络实施的支付。

    Electronic payment is the means through which the clients use to disburse payments via the network for electronic accounts .

  8. 包括对所有电子交易征收2%的税,将账户区分为专门的外汇账户和实时结算的电子账户。

    It includes two percent tax on all electronic transactions , and the division of bank accounts into those with real inflows of dollars as well as those holding electronic money , known as real-time gross settlement .

  9. 电子资金转账(EFT)通过电子手段控制账户、发出指令将账户资金转入转出的操作。

    Electronic Funds Transfer ( EFT ) A transfer of funds either from or to an account , which is initiated by giving an instruction through an electronic access method .