
  • 网络electronic finance
  1. 金融管理信息系统(FMIS)的建设对电子金融越来越重要。

    FMIS ( financial management information system ) is more and more important to electronic finance .

  2. 对上海国际金融中心建设的目标、途径和发展现状进行了分析,指出发展电子金融是上海国际金融中心发展的重要途径。

    This paper puts forward that electronic finance is the important channel to build Shanghai international financial center .

  3. 近年来,电子金融服务这一新型商务模式已得到世界各国的普遍关注,它不仅仅是Internet在商务领域的简单应用,更是一种新型的交易模式。

    In recent years , the new-style commercial pattern of electronic financial services , which is not only a simple application of Internet in commerce but also a new transaction pattern , has been drawing attention from all over the world .

  4. 电子金融是金融业在电子信息技术快速发展阶段的必然产物。

    E-finance is a necessity outcome in the era of new technology .

  5. 上海电子金融发展战略目标分析

    An Analysis on Strategy Goal of Shanghai Electronic-Financial Development

  6. 刘强东表示,京东还开发了多种电子金融产品来促进农民创业。

    Liu added that the company has also invented multiple e-finance products to boost entrepreneurship among farmers .

  7. 他破坏柜台上的电子金融转帐机器,而且伸出手想抢扫描器,警方说。

    He broke an electronic funds-transfer machine at the counter and reached for a scanner gun , said police .

  8. 第四部分从内部控制和外部监管出发,对电子金融的风险控制进行了对策性的分析。

    Part four works on the methods for preventing the risks of e-finance from both the inner control and the outer supervision .

  9. 我国电商巨头阿里巴巴上周三宣布,计划在马来西亚建设涵盖物流、云计算、电子金融服务的电商中心。

    China 's e-commerce giant Alibaba last Wednesday announced a plan to set up an e-commerce hub in Malaysia encompassing logistics , cloud-computing and e-financial service .

  10. 仅就技术层面而言,它不仅包括信息系统的实体安全,而且包括电子金融产品、电子金融协议的安全。

    Only for the technical aspect , it not only includes the entity security , but also the security of electronic financial products , electronic financial agreements .

  11. 第二部分描述了电子金融的风险,并对其风险发生机制进行了理论上的解释;

    Part two puts emphases on the risks of the e-finance , and explains the risk formation mechanism from the characteristics and risk delivery of E-finance on a theoretic aspect .

  12. 如今,互联网在国家经济和社会发展中的作用已变得举足轻重,大量的关键应用正在互联网上如火如荼地展开,比如电子金融、电子商务、电子政务和远程医疗等。

    Nowadays , the Internet has become vital in national economic and social development , and a great number of critical applications are currently flourishing on it , such as e-finance , e-commerce , e-government , tele-medicine , and so on .

  13. 个人实盘外汇买卖是指个人客户在银行规定的交易时间内,通过柜面服务人员或其他电子金融服务方式,进行的实盘外汇买卖。

    The foreign exchange dealings for individual accounts refers to the firm foreign exchange dealings conducted by the individuals through the service personnel behind the counter or through other electronic banking service methods within the time for dealings set by the bank .

  14. 本文讨论和强调了电子金融交易系统运行风险控制及其重要性,详细介绍了中国外汇交易系统在这方面所采取的技术性措施。

    This case study discusses controlling of operating risks of the electronic financial trading system and emphasizes its importance . Some technical measures , adopted in the China Foreign Exchange Trade System to control its operating risks , are introduced in detail .

  15. 在农村地区发展电子化金融服务具有成本优势和技术优势,我国农村地区发展电子化金融服务具备良好的政策环境、经济环境、社会环境和技术环境。

    In rural areas , the development of electronic financial services have cost advantages and technological advantages . Electronic financial service has good policy environment , economic environment , social environment and technical environment in our country rural area .

  16. 报告称,毕业生期望就业的三大行业依次为IT/互联网/通讯/电子、金融/银行/投资/基金/证券/保险、政府/公共事业/非盈利机构。

    It is said in the report that the three major industries that graduates expected to work for are it / internet / telecommunications / electronics industry , financial industry / banking / investment / fund / securities / insurance , government / public service / non-profit-making institutions .

  17. 目前,三星集团是韩国最大的企业集团,包括26个下属公司及其他法人机构,在近70个国家和地区建立了近300个法人及办事处,业务涉及电子、金融、机械、化学等众多领域。

    Currently , Samsung Group is the largest conglomerate in South Korea with twenty-six subsidiaries and other corporate organizations . It has already set up more than three hundred offices ranging over a number of business fields such as electronics , finance , technology and chemistry in nearly seventy countries .

  18. 数据库是电子商务、金融以及ERP系统的基础,通常都保存着重要的商业伙伴和客户信息。

    Database is the base of electronic commerce , finance and ERP system , and it store important information of business associates and clients usually .

  19. STSEP由支付网关、电子商店、金融机构和消费者组成。

    STSEP is composed of four components : Payment Gateway , Electronic Store , Financial Institute and Customs .

  20. Lieberman博士在不同领域拥有十年以上软件架构和信息技术的经验,包括电信、航线旅程、电子商务、金融服务,和生命科学。

    Dr. Lieberman brings more than ten years of software architecture and information technology experience in various fields , including telecommunications , airline travel , e-commerce , financial services , and life sciences .

  21. 金融工作电子化使金融工作进入到了一个新的时代。

    Financial electronic make the finance work walk into a new era .

  22. 金融电子化是金融创新的技术保障。

    Finance computerizing is a foundation of modern finance and financial innovation .

  23. 如今,电子商务在金融领域得到了迅速发展。

    Electronic business has gained rapid development in the financial field since 1990s .

  24. 电子货币对金融市场的冲击及金融政策的操作

    The Electronic Currency Impact on Financial Market and the Operation of Financial Policy

  25. 电子结算在金融中的应用解析

    The Applied Analysis of ECG in Finance

  26. 浅析电子商务与金融业务

    On Electronic Commerce and Financial Industry

  27. 21世纪是以金融全球化、金融电子化、金融自由化为标志的新金融时代。

    The 21st century is a new era of finance featuring global , electronic and laissez-faire finance .

  28. 随着网络经济的发展,金融电子化是金融业的必然趋势;

    Along with the development of network economy , financial computerizing has become the certain trend of finance .

  29. 最后对文章收尾,展望未来电子商务、金融融资平台与供应链融资的无缝对接和发展前景。

    Finally , the article ending , seamless look to the future and prospects ofe-commerce , finance and supply chain financing platform for financing .

  30. 而蚂蚁金服则与马来西亚两大银行联昌国际银行和马来亚银行签署协议,以发掘马来西亚电子支付和金融服务领域的合作机会。

    While Ant Financial inked an agreement with Malaysia 's leading banks CIMB and Maybank to explore collaboration opportunities in e-payment and financing services in Malaysia .