
  • 网络Arc Length
  1. 用TV摄象机对脉冲焊接电弧长度的采样控制

    Study of sampling and controlling MAG welding arc length by TV camera

  2. 它主要由高频引弧器和电弧长度调节器组成;

    It has been made of high frequency ignition device and arc length adjust device .

  3. 等离子体电枢电磁轨道炮电枢电弧长度的测量

    Study of the Plasma Armature Arc Length Measurement in Plasma Armature Railguns

  4. 本文研究了用微机图象处理的方法对脉冲焊接电弧长度进行控制的问题。

    An investigation of some approaches to digital image technique in measuring and controlling MAG welding arc was conducted .

  5. 最后根据同步采集结果,利用最小电压原理成功解释了复合焊接电弧长度缩短的原因。

    Finally , the cause of hybrid welding arc was shortened was explained successfully using the principle of minimum voltage .

  6. 并编程求解了三个平板模型的临界电弧长度、临界泄漏电流和临界闪络电压。

    Program is programmed to calculate critical length of arc on top and button , critical leakage current and critical flashover voltage .

  7. 研究结果表明:模型参考自适应算法能够较好的保证电源的恒流特性和稳定电弧长度,能够较好的保证焊接效果。

    The results show that model reference adaptive algorithm can guarantee the constant current characteristics and the stable arc length , better effect can be ensured .

  8. 熔滴过渡图像分析系统具有保存单幅图像、三维显示图像灰度、测量电弧长度、熔滴直径的功能。

    The image analysis system has the functions of saving a single image , showing three-dimensional images gray , measuring the length of arc and droplet diameter .

  9. 用电弧焊方法焊接陶瓷与不锈钢,研究了焊接电流、电弧长度等工艺参数对焊接质量的影响。

    The ceramic and stainless steel were welded by the arc welding process . The influence of the welding current and arc length on the welding quality was investigated .

  10. 高电压区大滴过渡区间,电弧长度变短,熔滴过渡频率增加,焊缝铺展性更好。

    In globular transfer interval of high voltage , the length of arc was shorted ; the droplet transfer frequency was increased ; the spreadability of welding bead was better .

  11. 在不同约束参数下,通过测量电弧长度和宽度,焊缝熔深和熔宽,分析了不同约束参数对电弧形态和电弧加热特性的影响。

    In addition , under different welding parameters measuring the width and length of arc , width and depth of welds , by which arc morphology and heating characteristic of arc are analysed .

  12. 模型寻优算法在冶炼前期选择电压应以炉渣厚度和电弧长度为依据,冶炼中后期工作点的选择应以最快加热速度或最经济加热速度为依据。

    The criterion of the optimizing arithmetic to choose voltage is the relationship of slag thickness and arc length in the beginning , and it is the fast calefaction velocity or the economic velocity in the middle and in the end .

  13. 矿热炉是一个复杂的系统,其冶炼过程具有时变性、非线性和强耦合特点,三相电压、三相弧流设定点的不同都会对电弧长度产生影响。

    The main dissipation energy equipment is a hot stove of ore. The smelting course of ore is a complicated system , characterized by the non-linear and strong coupling . Three-phase voltage and three-phase have some impacts on length of electric arc .

  14. 即电弧长度随焊接电压及送丝速度变化等。计算机仿真结果与实际焊接过程动态变化参数基本相符,结果表明仿真波形与实验波形基本一致,而且与相关理论分析也是相符的。

    Namely , the arc length changed with the welding voltage and wire feed speed , etc. The computer simulation results are consistent with the welding process dynamic parameters . The results of computer simulation not only are verified by experiment results , but also accord with correlative theory analysis .

  15. 为了保证焊接质量和良好的焊接成型,必须保证电弧的长度和稳定的焊接过程。

    For the purpose of the good quality of welding and welding molding , the lengths of electric arcs and the stability of welding process must be guaranteed .

  16. 分析认为电弧偏移距离与电弧长度、自身电流和另一电弧电流之比相关。

    It was deduced that the deflected length of arc is affected by the arc length , the current of the arc and the other arc .

  17. 这是因为电弧电压增加意味着电弧的长度增加,因此电弧摆动范围扩大而导致焊缝宽度增加。

    This is because that the addition of arc voltage means the decreasement , so the enlargement of are swing makes the incensement of weld width .

  18. 在电弧发展第二阶段,当电弧长度达到泄漏距离的60%时,弧足前方场强和剩余冰层上的电场强度都急剧增大。

    At the second stage , when the length of partial arc reaches 60 % of insulator leakage distance , electric field strength in the front of arc root and along the residual ice layer both increase considerably .

  19. 另外,还计算了50kA电弧等离子体的热平衡及不同电流强度、不同电弧长度下电弧对钢水的冲击力。

    Furthermore , thermal equilibrium of DC arc plasma with 50 kA is conducted , and impulsive force of DC arc plasma on melted steel is calculated under four various working conditions .

  20. 双电极焊条单弧焊电弧对两焊芯的熔化存在自调节作用,即电弧燃烧过程中两焊芯端部在电弧中的长度不等,两焊芯仍能保持等速熔化,使电弧燃烧过程能够稳定进行。

    The arc has a self-regulating effect on melting of two cores , that is , during the arc burning , even if the ends of two cores have different length in the arc , two cores can keep uniformly melting speed , and the arc can stably burn .

  21. 电弧炉在生产过程中为了提高产品质量和降低成本,对于不同的熔炼期(熔化、氧化、精炼)要求电弧功率维持在不同的水平上,因此要求电弧长度分别保持稳定。

    In the production process in order to improve product quality and reduce costs , for different melting phase ( melting , oxidation , refining ), the power of electric arc furnace require to maintain the arc in a different level , so arc length were requested to maintain steady .