
  • 网络Motor Data;Motor Parameter
  1. 基于DSP的矢量控制系统中感应电机参数自检测方法研究

    DSP based Identification of Induction Motor Parameters in Sensorless Vector Controlled system

  2. 提出了基于Elman神经网络的在线感应电机参数辨识方案。

    An on-line induction motor parameters identification method based on Elman neural network is presented .

  3. BP网络在无刷直流电机参数辨识与控制中的应用

    Identification and Control of Brushless DC Motors Using BP Neural Networks

  4. 基于PWM逆变器的直线感应电机参数辨识方法

    Parameter estimation of a linear induction motor based on PWM inverter

  5. USB在电机参数测试系统中应用

    Application of USB for Parameter Acquisition System of Motor

  6. 基于RBF神经网络的超声波电机参数辨识与模型参考自适应控制

    Identification and model reference adaptive control for ultrasonic motor based on RBF neural network

  7. 给出了一种确定伺服电机参数的方法,以Delphi软件为主开发平台,开发出了伺服系统驱动电机选型软件。

    Using Delphi as the main developing tool , motor selection software is developed .

  8. 奇异值分解(SVD)理论在同步电机参数辨识中的应用

    The SVD Applied to the Identification of the Basic Parameters of Synchronous Machine

  9. 基于RLS的嵌入式永磁同步电机参数辨识技术

    Parameter Estimation Technique for Vector Controlled Interior Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor Drive Based on RLS

  10. 基于小波变换和Prony算法的同步电机参数辨识

    Parameter identification of synchronous machine based on wavelet transform and Prony Algorithm

  11. 基于2mm电机参数辨识的微小摩擦力测量研究

    Measurement of Tiny Friction Based on Parameter Identification of Micro-motor With 2 mm in Diameter

  12. 针对前馈矢量控制系统中由于电机参数与速度检测小误差造成磁场定向错误,提出了一种新的自适应校正策略,该策略采用PRBS在线辨识技术,算法简单,不需要额外的传感器。

    A new adaptive correction strategy used PRBS on-line identification technique is proposed .

  13. 以Elman反馈型神经网络任意逼近非线性函数和适应时变特征的能力,用来解决电机参数辨识的问题。

    Elman recurrent neural network is capable of nonlinear function approximation and possesses the ability of time-variable characteristic adaptation , is fit for motor parameters identification .

  14. 包括加强转子永磁块强度的固定方式,减少转子损耗的HALBACH充磁方式和定子高导磁材料的选择等,并且以50000r/min转速为例,进行了小功率飞轮电机参数的计算。

    Including the fixing patterns of rotor permanent magnet , HALBACH rotor to reduce losses and high magnetic material being chosen .

  15. SVM-DTC的性能最好,开关频率恒定,但它的结构较为复杂且依赖电机参数。

    The SVM-DTC achieves the best performances and has constant switch frequency , but it uses more complex scheme and depends on motor parameters .

  16. 将CSPSO算法应用于异步电机参数辨识问题中,仿真结果表明CSPSO算法比GA算法和PSO算法具有更精确的参数辨识能力。

    The CSPSO algorithm was applied to the identification of induction motor parameters , and the simulation results showed that it has higher identifiability parameters than GA and PSO algorithms .

  17. 根据电辅助控制策略特点,以满足整车动力性能指标为前提,使用以MATLAB为平台的ADVISOR分析软件,对并联式混合动力汽车发动机参数、电机参数选择以及能源匹配进行了仿真研究。

    In terms of property of electric assistance strategy , meeting requirements on vehicle power performance , selection and simulation of the engine parameters , motor parameters and energy matching parameters are enforced . The analysis is based on the software ADVISOR by virtue of MATLAB platform .

  18. 然后代入到转子系统的运动方程中,采用隐式非线性NEWMARK积分法计算系统在不平衡磁拉力和质量偏心力作用下的动力响应,详细分析了电机参数对偏心转子系统振动的影响。

    The analytical expression of UMP for any pole-pair number is obtained and substituted into motion equation of system . The implicit nonlinear integer method - NEWMARK method is employed to solve the dynamic response of system under the UMP and eccentric mass force .

  19. 同步电机参数在线小扰动辨识技术研究

    Technique research of on-line parameter identification under min-disturbance for synchronous machine

  20. 异步机矢量控制系统的电机参数自设定

    Self-Setting of Motor Parameters of Vector Control Systems of Induction Motors

  21. 交流变频调速电机参数试验及分析

    Test and Analysis on Parameters of Speed-variable Motor with Frequency Convertor

  22. 矢量控制感应电机参数变化的影响研究

    Effect of parameters variety on vector - controlled induction motor

  23. 高频电主轴系统电机参数设计及其优化方法研究

    Research about Optimization Method of Motor Parameter High Frequence Electro-spindle

  24. 异步电机参数的在线辨识研究

    Approach of On - line Parameter Identification for Asynchronous Machine

  25. 直流力矩电机参数的实验测定

    Measurement of the Parameters of DC Torque Motor by Experiment

  26. 可预置全部被测电机参数,以备检测时用。

    All parameters of user can be preset to call when testing .

  27. 一种基于静态特性的直线感应电机参数辨识方法

    An identification method for linear induction motor parameter based on static characteristics

  28. 大型凸极同步电机参数辨识的混合算法

    Mix Arithmetic of Parameter Identification of Salient Pole Synchronous Motor

  29. 基于数字信号处理器的异步电机参数辨识实现

    Implement of Parameter Identification of Asynchronous Machine Based on DSP

  30. 某型坦克起动电机参数测量系统研制

    Development of start motor parameter testing system of a kind of tank