
  • 网络KWH;mah;SOC;Capacity
  1. 比如特斯拉公司就已经开始提供电池容量和续航里程都有所差异的ModelS。

    Tesla already offers different battery sizes with different ranges on the S model .

  2. 然而与PC相比移动设备仍然是资源受限的,尤其是电池容量方面。

    However , compared with the PC the mobile device is still resource-constrained , especially in battery capacity .

  3. 基于BP神经网络的Ni-MH电池容量预测

    Ni - MH Battery Capacity Predict Based on BP Neural Network

  4. 为了支持越来越复杂的功能,如增强安全保护的虹膜扫描仪,盖乐世Note7的电池容量更大。

    The Galaxy Note 7 boasted a higher-capacity battery to help its increasingly sophisticated features , like an iris scanner for added security .

  5. 铅酸蓄电池的K系数值或K系数曲线是电力系统电池容量选定的必需的基础数据。

    K values or K characteristic curves of lead acid battery are basic figures to size the batteries for electric power system application .

  6. 研究了球形Ni(OH)2XRD线谱的变化对提高MH/Ni电池容量的影响。

    The influence of the XRD diagram charge of spherical Ni ( OH ) 2 on MH / Ni battery capacity was studied .

  7. 针对基站蓄电池组的串联结构,设计了一种基于BP神经网络的安时电池容量估计方法。

    An AH counting method for capacity estimation based on BP neural network is designed for the series connection of base station battery group .

  8. 这些设备的资源通常是很有限的,电池容量很小、CPU速度很慢、内存很少;

    They are likely to have scarce resources , such as low battery power , slow CPU speed and little memory ;

  9. 慢脉冲快速充电在VRLA电池容量恢复中的应用

    Application of slow pulse fast charge in capacity restoration of VRLA battery

  10. 电动自行车用VRLA电池容量早衰的原因浅析

    The analysis of reasons for premature capacity loss in VRLA batteries used for electric bikes

  11. 之前已经报导了电池容量更大、存储量增至256GB,iPhone7Plus还有双镜头照相机。

    We have reported on previously include a larger battery , increased storage to 256 GB and a dual-lens camera for the iPhone 7 Plus .

  12. 然而,与传统的PC相比,移动设备无论是CPU处理能力、内存大小、电池容量,还是网络通信能力,均具有较大差距。

    However , compared with the traditional PC , mobile devices have a larger gap in term of processor speed ; memory size ; battery life and network communications .

  13. 基于动态最近邻聚类算法的RBF神经网络及其在MH-Ni电池容量预测中的应用

    RBF Neural Networks Based on Dynamic Nearest Neighbor-Clustering Algorithm and Its Application in Prediction of MH-Ni Battery Capacity

  14. 智能化成对MH-Ni电池容量一致性的影响

    Effects of intelligent formation on the capacity uniformity of Ni-MH batteries

  15. 结果表明:VRLA电池容量可恢复到额定容量的90%~100%。

    The results showed that the capacity of the failed VRLA battery could be restored to 90 % ~ 100 % rated capacity .

  16. 采用循环伏安、电池容量测量等方法考察了PAB电解液添加剂对电池性能的影响。

    Influence of PAB additive on properties of lead-acid battery have been examined by cyclic voltammetry discharge at constant current .

  17. 研究结果表明:全铬体系的电池容量明显高于传统Fe-Cr体系的电池容量。

    Experiment indicated that the battery capacity of all chromium redox flow was more higher than that of the tradition Fe-Cr system battery .

  18. 70℃和-10℃下,不含PC电解液的电池容量分别只有室温时的46%和68%,而含PC电解液的电池容量分别保持在78%和87%。

    The cell with the electrolyte without PC at 70 ℃ and - 10 ℃ has only 46 % and 68 % , respectively , of the capacity at room temperature , while the cell with the electrolyte containing PC has 78 % and 87 % respectively .

  19. 在驱动能量控制方面,因HEV电池容量较小且无外接充电装置,因此只能工作在CS(Charge-Sustaining)模式。

    As to the driving energy control , HEV battery capacity is small and has no external charging device , so it can only work in CS ( Charge-Sustaining ) Mode .

  20. 结论:感知电流、起搏电压和阈值是影响单腔PM寿命最重要的因素,患者基础心率、电池容量、起搏频率、阻抗和脉宽对单腔PM使用寿命也有不同程度的影响。

    Conclusion : Sensing current , pacing electric voltage and threshold value are the most important affecting of factor PMs ′ longevity , and patients ′ basal heart rate , battery capacity , pacing frequency , electric resistance and pulse width also influence the longevity in different digrees .

  21. 简要阐述了阀控式铅酸蓄电池(VRLA)检测维护中的一些误区和传统测试VRLA电池容量的方法,介绍蓄电池检测维护的新突破&电导测试方法及其在实际工作中的应用。

    Some mistakes in VRLA battery examination and maintenance and traditional methods for VRLA capability testing are described in brief , then applications in practice of conductance test , which is a breakthrough in VRLA battery examining and maintenance , are introduced .

  22. 单因素统计分析显示:患者基础心率、电池容量、起搏电压、起搏频率、阻抗、阈值、脉宽和感知电流对PM的寿命均有影响(均P<0.05)。

    Patient ′ s basal heart rate , battery capacity , pacing electric voltage , pacing frequency , resistance , threshold value , pulse width and sensing electric current had all affected the PM ′ s longevity ( all P < 0.05 ) counted by Wilcoxon ( Gehan ) test .

  23. 通过比较AGM及胶体阀控式铅酸蓄电池电性能表明,简单地将硫酸电解液替换为胶体电解液将导致电池容量明显下降。

    By comparison with the performances of both AGM and gel valve-regulated lead-acid ( VRLA ) batteries , it indicates that the capacity of the gel battery decreases significantly if the SiO_2 gel is substituted directly for the H_2SO_4 electrolyte .

  24. 采用合理的添加方式,可以保证在电池容量不受影响的前提下,MH-Ni蓄电池耐过充能力明显增强,5C放电时,中值电压升高50mV;

    The results show that the overcharge resistance of Ni-MH battery increases clearly by using a suitable adding method in the condition of ensuring battery capacity isn 't affected , set-point voltage increases 50 mV when discharge at 5 C ;

  25. 这一切意味着,随着更多的800v电动汽车进入市场,电池容量不断提高,更多的司机可能会被说服选择电动汽车。

    What all this means is that , as more 800v EVS come onto the market , and batteries continue to improve with increased capacity , more motorists are likely to be persuaded to go electric .

  26. 这款手机拥有4GB的运行内存,配置了主频2GHz的高通骁龙810的八核处理器,2800毫安时的电池容量,据称能满足“全天工作和娱乐”的需求。

    Other features include 4GB of RAM , a Qualcomm Snapdragon 810 , 2GHZ octa-core Processor and a 2800 mAh battery said to last a ' full day of work , party and excitement . '

  27. 采用开关电源及末级恒流源方案,研制成3AH及以下密封镉镍电池容量的检测设备。

    We have developed a new device for testing the electric capacity of sealed Ni cd batteries ( below 3AH ) by use of the design of switching power and last stage constant current power .

  28. 充电电池容量预测的算法研究

    Study on the Method of Ni / MH Battery Capacity Predict

  29. 提高锂电池容量和使用寿命。

    The lithium battery capacity and service life can be improved .

  30. MH/Ni电池容量衰减的研究(1)

    Study on MH / Ni battery capacity degradation ( I )