
  • 网络RMS;Irms
  1. 暂态大电流有效值测量

    The Measurement of RMS Value of Large Transient Current

  2. 同时开发了丰富的人机交互信息,方便用户的使用,最后对研发出来的装置完成了软硬件的调试,在实验室进行电压、电流有效值、谐波分析及频率等参数测量的实验。

    And developed a wealth of information on human-computer interaction , user-friendly use of the device out of the final R & D completed the hardware debugging , in the laboratory voltage and current RMS , harmonic analysis and experimental measurement of the frequency and other parameters .

  3. 基于MSP430的点焊电流有效值检测系统

    A Detecting System of Spot Welding Current Effective Value Based on MSP430

  4. 通过理论分析,推导出交流电阻点焊电流有效值实时计算方程,建立了不同功率因数角的电流有效值系数K的神经网络计算模型,研究出电阻点焊电流有效值神经网络实时计算方法。

    It is educed the calculating equation of the current 's virtual value , and it is erected the ANN calculating model of K and the calculating method of the current 's virtual value in different power factor angle during the alternation resistance spot welding .

  5. 该变换器使用耦合电感的交错并联结构,实现了所有开关管在宽负载范围内的ZVS软开关;采用移相加PWM控制技术,降低了漏感电流有效值,提高了变化效率。

    By using coupled inductor interleaved structure , all the switches can achieve ZVS performance over a wide load . Phase-shifted plus PWM control technology is employed to reduce the rms of leakage current and improve change efficiency .

  6. 构建嵌入式操作系统uclinux并在此基础上生成嵌入式电网参数监测系统。该系统可以实时测量电网频率、三相电压、电流有效值和各次谐波分量。

    Modified embedded system-uClinux and realize an embedded Power Parameter Monitor system which can measure the frequency , 3 phase voltage , current and harmonics and other parameters such as active power , reactive power etc.

  7. 该传感器在电流有效值0~1000A的范围内进行了实验,实验结果表明其线性度相对偏差在±0.2%以内。

    A test is performed according to the measured values of ac rms current up 1000A . The results illustrate the relative deviation of the system is within ± 0.2 % .

  8. 通过对定时器的编程,对逆变波形进行脉宽调制,从而控制焊接电流有效值,并实现1kHz逆变频率;

    Pulse width modulation is realized by programming the timers so as to control the effective weld current and to obtain the 1 kHz inverting frequency .

  9. 本文介绍了自动电网动态参数检测仪能够在三个周波(60ms)的时间内检测电网上的三相电压、电流有效值、三相功率因数和频率,计算出相应的三相有功功率、无功功率。

    The auto-measuring instrument can directly measure 3-phase voltage and current RMSes , 3-phase power factors and line frequency , and can com - pute 3-phase active and reactive powers correspondingly within 60 ms.

  10. 其次,对控制系统的中心控制器80C196KC单片机,电流有效值的检测电路以及实现点焊循环过程与控制的其它硬件电路进行了设计分析。

    Secondly , the central controller ( 80C196KC single micro-computer ) of the control system , the measuring circuit of current valid value and other hard-ware circuits that realize spot welding circling process and control are analyzed .

  11. 接着分析了交流电压/电流有效值U/I、电压/电流初始相位角θu0/θi0的传统定义法和噪声因素对这些电力参数测试精度的影响。

    Secondly , the traditional method to test the AC voltage / current RMS U / I and initial phase θ u0 / θ i0 , and the impact of noise on the test precision of the AC power characteristic parameters are analyzed .

  12. 焊接电流有效值与电流设定值的最大绝对误差为270A,最大相对误差为2.903%,平均绝对差值为124A,完全满足设计与实际使用要求。

    The largest absolute error between current valid value and current setting value is 270A , the largest relative error is 2.093 % , and the average different value is 124A . The result of testing meets the request of design and use .

  13. 电炉控制系统中的电流有效值检测

    Measurement of effective current value in the system of electric furnace control

  14. 一种基于模型的点焊电流有效值实时算法

    Real-time arithmetic of the welding current RMS Value during resistance spot welding

  15. 计算高压配电线路得出的三相电压、三相电流有效值误差小于0.5%。

    The errorless of three-phase voltage and current is less than 0.5 percent .

  16. 交变电流有效值与平均值的区别。

    The difference between value and average value of A.C.

  17. 焊接电流有效值采用微型计算机处理的快速测定法

    Digital Measure of Welding Current Effective Value Using Microcomputer

  18. 基于交流-直流变换的光电式电流有效值传感器

    Opto-electronic Current Transducer Based on AC - DC Converter

  19. 电镀负载电流有效值的检测

    Measurement of Effective Value of Electroplate Load Current

  20. 本文介绍基于数据采集的电机运行性能测试系统的设计实现,及其瞬时电流有效值分析算法、测量误差修正方法。

    A measurement system based on digital data acquiring for working function of motor is introduced .

  21. 介绍了一种用以检测点焊焊接电流有效值的单片机系统。

    This paper introduces a single chip computer system used for measuring the spot welding current .

  22. 该表可以对电压、电流有效值、有功能量、无功能量、视在能量等进行了较高精度的计量,支持分时计费功能,加上电力线载波通信模块后可以实现远程抄表。

    The Meter supplies Active , Reactive and Apparent Energy , Sampled Waveform , Current and Voltage RMS .

  23. 该测量系统可对电压、电流有效值、功率等电力参数进行实时测量。

    The electric parameters , such as the RMS value of voltage and current , power , can be real-time measured .

  24. 用小波变换可在时间域高效准确地求电压电流有效值、有功和无功。

    RMS , reactive power and active power are calculated most efficiently and most accurately using wavelet transform in time domain .

  25. 系统可有效测量电压有效值、电流有效值、有功功率、无功功率、功率因数以及频率等电力参数。

    System can effectively measure the voltage RMS , current RMS , active power , reactive power , power factor , frequency , etc.

  26. 在焊点形成的过程中,点焊电流有效值的检测与控制是保证焊接质量的关键。

    During the course of forming the welding spot , checking and controlling spot welding current value is the key to assure the welding quality .

  27. 根据机械与电的等效理论,用二端口网络等效法分析超声换能器的特性,所获结论是:超声振动系统的谐振幅值可以用电流有效值表达;

    Based on the equivalent theory of mechanics and electricity , amplitude of ultrasonic vibration system can be obtained by measuring the electrical current value in the equivalent circuit .

  28. 电能质量指标主要包括:电压有效值、电流有效值、有功与无功功率、电压波动、三相不平衡度、以及闪变等。

    The power quality indexs include : virtual value of voltage and current , active and reactive power , voltage fluctuation , three-phase unbalance factor , flicker and so on .

  29. 逆变器满负荷时的电感电流有效值和电流峰值是滤波电感设计的两个重要参数。

    During full load running of inverter , the inductive current RMS value and the peak current are two important parameters for designing the inductor of the output LC filter .

  30. 理论分析表明:焊接电流有效值反映了网压波动和负载功率因数角的变化情况,对二者进行补偿,可实现恒流控制。

    Theoretically the net voltage fluctuation and the change of secondary loop impedance is shown by the effective value of welding current , and by compensating the constant current control is realized .