
diàn liú bǐ
  • current ratio
电流比[diàn liú bǐ]
  1. 研究了它的I-V特性,测得的峰谷电流比为3.4.研究了由平面型共振隧穿二极管构成的单双稳态逻辑单元,实现了作为反相器的功能。

    The current-voltage characteristics were studied and the peak valley current ratio ( PVCR ) was 3.4.The monostable bistable logic element ( MOBILE ) constructed by planar resonant tunneling diodes is investigated and realizes the function of inverter .

  2. 结果表明:溅射过程中适当的降低氩氧比以及测试环境中氧气氛的存在都有助于提高探测器的光暗电流比,但同时探测器的响应时间有所增大。

    The results showed that reducing appropriately the oxygen / argon ratio in the sputtering process and the presence of oxygen in the testing process can improve the light-dark current ratio and the detector response time .

  3. 基于DSP的交流伺服系统最大转矩电流比控制的研究

    Research on AC Servo System Maximum Ratio of Torque to Current Control Based on DSP

  4. 不同Cs、O电流比激活对GaAs光阴极灵敏度和稳定性的影响

    Influence of different Cs-to-O current ratios on sensitivity and stability of activating GaAs photocathodes

  5. P的强烈的水化作用可能是导致非晶态Ni-P合金的阳极溶解电流比纯Ni更大的主要原因。

    The intense hydrolization of P may be the cause of making the dissolution current of Ni-P alloy higher than that of Ni .

  6. 网络ICC产生的起搏电流比单个ICC稳定、幅度高、频率快;

    ICC network generates higher-amplitude , stabler and more rhythmic pacemaker currents than single ICC does ;

  7. 脉冲电流比连续电流使导电SiC泡沫陶瓷具有更强的电加热能力,并且加热能力随着脉冲占空比的减小而增强。

    The pulse current had stronger ability of heating than continuous current , and the capacity of heating enhanced with the decrease of pulse duty cycle .

  8. 在调谐状态描述模型中,首先通过波形分析推导得到理想E类放大器实现最优调谐时驱动占空比与特征电流比之间的一个重要关系;

    In the Tuned State Descriptive Model , firstly , basing on the waveform analysis of ideal class-E amplifier , an important relationship between the driving duty cycle and the characteristic currents ratio is derived .

  9. 提出并分析了一种采用磁吸收的BOOST变换器电路,该电路的导通峰值电流比常规吸收电路的导通峰值电流大大减小,并且获得了更高的效率。

    A boost converter with magnetic snubber has been presented and analyzed . The converter has much smaller turn on current peak value than conventional snubber circuit , thus the efficiency of the converter is greatly increased .

  10. MOSFET的工作速度比IGBT高,耐压和电流比IGBT小,本文采用MOSFET研究工作在更高频率下的固体开关技术。

    MOSFET has higher working speed and smaller voltage and current than IGBT 's. MOSFET has been selected for study the solid state switch technology working on higher repetition rate .

  11. 实验结果表明:在所选定的支持电解质中,AFc表现出良好的电化f学氧化还原准可逆性,氧化还原峰电位差ΔE≈70mV,峰电流比Ipa/Ipc≈1.1;

    Electrochemistry experimental results showed that , AFc exhibits well defined reversible redox , the peak potential differences ,Δ Ep and the ratio of the peak currents , Ipa / Ipc were 70 mV and 1.1 , respectively .

  12. RTD室温下的峰谷电流比为5.2∶1,峰值电流密度为22.5kA/cm2.HEMT采用1μm栅长,阈值电压为-1V.设计电路称为单稳态-双稳态转换逻辑单元(MOBILE)。

    The RTD has a room temperature peak-to-valley ratio of 5.2 ∶ 1 with a peak current density of 22.5kA/cm2.The HEMT has a 1 μ m gate length with a-1V threshold voltage . A logic circuit called a monostable-to-bistable transition logic element ( MOBILE ) circuit is developed .

  13. 尽管分路电流比电池的最大放电电流12A小,但是他还是足以应付平衡不同串联电池的自我放电的细小差别。

    Although the shunt current is smaller than the battery 's maximum discharge current of12A , it is more than enough current to balance the differential self-discharge of series-connected cells .

  14. 在试验范围内,电流比载荷对磨损率的影响显著。

    Current has obviously affected on wear rate compared with loading .

  15. 永磁同步电动机最大转矩电流比控制

    The Maximum Torque per Ampere Control of Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor

  16. 采用什么标准评价?扩增标准电流比的专用电流互感器

    A Special Current Transformer Used to Enlarge Standard Current Ratio

  17. 母联电流比相式差动保护的运行分析和完善

    Analysis and Amendment of Bus Coupler Current Differential Protection

  18. 特殊电流比互感器的检定

    Calibration of Current Transformer with Special Current Ratio

  19. 电流比法判断变压器绕组匝间短路

    Determination of Windings ' Turn-to-turn Short of the Transformer with the Current Ratio Method

  20. 因为电流比声波的传递速度快。

    Because electricity travels faster than sound waves .

  21. 电化学实验表明,涂层的自腐蚀电流比镁合金基体下降了3个数量级。

    The corrosion current of coating dropped 3 magnitudes compared to magnesium alloy substrate .

  22. AT牵引网吸上电流比测距精度改进的研究

    Research on at Traction Suck Current Rate to Improve the Accuracy of the Fault Location

  23. 纳管能传送的电流比击穿普通电子互连器的电流大100倍。

    Nanotubes can carry about 100 times the current that would destroy an ordinary electronic interconnector .

  24. 永磁式双凸极电机新型开通关断角控制策略的电流比研究

    Novel Control Strategy of Turn-on and Turn-off Angle Current Ratio for Doubly Salient Permanent Magnet Motor

  25. 该电流比光脉冲慢。

    But these currents can use a lot of power and are slower than light pulses .

  26. 基于横联线电流比原理的全并联AT牵引网故障测距装置

    Fault locator of all-paralleling AT traction power supply based on the theory of the current ratio of paralleling lines

  27. 仿真结果表明永磁同步电动机直接转矩控制系统最大转矩电流比控制可以降低定子电流,减小损耗,从而提高系统效率。

    Simulation results showed that this control strategy can decrease the stator current and improve the efficiency of the system .

  28. 该方法在区外转区内故障情况下,不会因制动电流比差动电流先升高而盲目提高比率制动元件的制动比率。

    If external faults and internal faults occur in succession , the restraining current will increase earlier than the operating current .

  29. 模拟结果解释了实验观察到的雪崩击穿现象,并表明电子电流比空穴电流提前饱和。

    The results explain the experimental observed phenomenon and demonstrate that the current contributed by electrons is saturated earlier than the hole current .

  30. 电容一个充电的绝缘导电物体潜在具有的最大电荷率永磁同步电动机最大转矩电流比控制

    The ratio of charge to potential on an electrically charged , isolated conductor . The Maximum Torque per Ampere Control of Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor