
  1. 根据电流的热效应原理,分析了衡水110kV送电线路耐张杆塔引流断股的原因,提出了预防改进措施。

    Combined with electrical current thermal effect principle , the reasons of some strants of outlet line broken on tension pole in Hengshui 110 kV power transmission line are analyzed , and the prevention improvement are presented .

  2. 位移电流的热效应探讨

    Investigation on the heat effect of displacement current

  3. 通过对不同条件下存放的单层8-羟基喹啉铝电致发光器件的老化研究,发现其老化的原因主要是器件工作电流的热效应引起非晶薄膜的重结晶。

    The Alq will crystallize in operating current , it is the main reason that lead to unstable of Alq EL device .

  4. 相变存储器是利用脉冲电流的热效应使其记录层发生具有巨大阻值差异的可逆结构相变来记录和擦除数据。

    Phase-change random access memory ( PCM ) records and erases data by utilizing the thermal effect of the pulse current to make SET or RESET operation in its recording layer with a reversible phase-change structure of giant differential resistance between two phases .

  5. 根据能量沉积与低杂波驱动电流的焦耳热效应之间的关系,求出了驱动电流在托卡马克中的径向分布。

    Considering the balance between the energy deposition and the Joule heating effect of the LHW driven current , the profile of LHW driven current in tokamaks has been obtained .

  6. 电流通过液芯光纤,电流的热效应降低了液体样品荧光光谱强度。

    The fluorescence spectrum intensity is reduced by the heat effect of electric current when the current flows through a liquid-core optical fiber .