
  • 网络welder's pneumoconiosis;welder pneumoconiosis;electric arc welder pneumoconiosis;Welder's pneutnoconissis
  1. 各类尘肺新发病例数以矽肺为首,石棉肺、铸工尘肺和电焊工尘肺次之。

    The cases of silicosis were ranking the first , with asbestosis , founder pneumoconiosis and welder pneumoconiosis followed .

  2. 目的探讨电焊工尘肺预防的经济效益和社会效益。

    Objective The economic and social benefits of welder pneumoconiosis prevention were studied .

  3. 结果该公司集装箱制造所致电焊工尘肺患病率为8.6%;

    [ Results ] The morbidity of pneumoconiosis was 8.6 % ;

  4. 电焊工尘肺危险因素的病例对照研究

    Case control study on risk factors of pneumoconiosis in welders

  5. 江苏省电焊工尘肺疾病负担的评价研究

    Study on Disease Burden Estimate Among Welders ' Pneumoconiosis in Jiangsu Province

  6. 某集装箱制造公司电焊工尘肺高发原因的调查分析

    Investigation of the Causes for Pneumoconiosis among Electric-welding Workers in a Container Producing Company

  7. 电焊工尘肺发病情况调查铁路热送保温车辆的设计与研制

    An Investigation of Incidence on Welders ' Pneumoconiosis in Railway Waggon Factory Produce and Design of Hot Delivery Refrigerator Waggon

  8. 焊接烟尘导致的电焊工尘肺已经成为21世纪一种主要的职业病,严重危害着焊接工人的身体健康。

    Welders ' pneumoconiosis caused by welding fumes has become a major occupation disease in twenty-first Century , seriously endangering the health of welding workers .

  9. 化工行业和玻璃饰品行业粉尘危害严重,电焊工尘肺不容忽视。

    The dust in Chemical and glass accessories industry lead to serious harmful effects of health . In additon , dust in pneumoconiosis of the electric welder should be controled . 5 .

  10. 电焊工尘肺比上海1949~1986年尘肺流行病学调查资料提供的尘肺构成所占比例增多(P<0005),并且发病年龄轻,接尘工龄短。

    Compared to the corresponding constitution of pneumoconiosis from the epidemiological investigation between 1949 and 1986 in Shanghai , the percentage of welder workers in all pneumoconiosis patients was increased ( P < 0 005 ) .