
diàn lí shì
  • ionization potential
  1. 通过对氧、pH和胺电离势的影响的研究证实了上述机理。

    This mechanism is confirmed through a detailed study of the effects of oxygen , pH and the ionization potential of the amines .

  2. 人工神经元网络模拟卤代烷烃的电离势

    Modelling the ionization potential of halo alkanes by neural network approach

  3. Reader第三、四、五电离势值,使用这个公式计算了各级电离势。电子标签天线的设计,包括天线耦合原理、天线微型化设计、制版、流片、实验和测试;

    Thirdly , the design of the E - Tag reader .

  4. 高剥离态Au、U离子电离势的相对论计算

    Calculations of ionization potentials for highly charged Au and U ions using relativistic multiconfiguration method

  5. 电离势、原子价层轨道能与Lewis酸的软硬度

    Ionization Potentials 、 Energy of Valence Orbits of Atom and Lewis Acid Strength

  6. 利用人工神经网络反向传播(BP)模型计算了卤代烷烃第一电离势。

    The Back propagation ( BP ) model of neural network is used to calculate the first ionization potention ( IP ) of haloalkanes .

  7. 根据过渡金属团簇表面原子配位数与电离势(IP)的一个解析表达式计算所得的电离势与实验结果基本一致。

    Using an analytic formula for ionization potentials via effective coordination number , ionization potentials are calculated and the results are in reasonable agreement with experiment .

  8. 用同步辐射研究苯基氰分子的单光子电离与碎解,精确地测量它的电离势、在不同的飞行时间产生的自发的和亚稳态碎片离子的出峰电势(appearancepotential)。

    Single photon ionization and fragmentation of benzonitrile is studied using synchrotron radiation . The ionization potential of benzonitrile , and the appearance potentials of spontaneous or prompt and metastable fragment ions for different flight time are measured precisely .

  9. 利用单色双光子(1C2P)技术得到了高精度的溴乙烷分子的质量分辨阈值(MATI)光谱,精确给出了溴乙烷分子的绝热电离势和离子振动频率。

    Using one-color two-photon ( 1C2P ) scheme , high-resolution mass analyzed threshold ionization MATI spectra of ethyl bromide have been recorded .

  10. 电离势和电子亲和势的计算结果表明,质子化精氨酸残基的结合导致G-C碱基对的电离势明显升高,而电子亲和势降低。

    The result shows that ionization potential of GC base pair is obviously increased due to the combination of protonated arginine , while electron affinity is decreased .

  11. 计算结果表明:电场不能改变Au4团簇的几何构型,随着电场的增加,电离势和电子亲和势增加,而费米能级和能隙减小。

    It is shown that the Au_4 cluster do not undergo significant geometrical changes in the high field . The electron affinities and the ionization potentials increase with the intensity of the extra field , while the Fermi levels and the energy gaps decrease .

  12. 钇小团簇的结构和电离势的计算

    Calculation of ionization potential and geometry of small yttrium metal clusters

  13. 重元素高阶电离势的计算

    The calculation of high order ionization potential for heavy atoms

  14. BeⅡ内壳激发态的能量、电离势和辐射波长

    Energy ionization potential and transition wavelength of excited states for Be ⅱ

  15. C~2分子的分析势能函数与垂直电离势

    Analytical potential energy function and vertical ionizable potential for C 2 molecule

  16. 环丙烷的价层垂直电离势的EOM/电子传播算子的计算

    EOM / Propagator Calculations of Vertical Ionization Potentials of Cyclopropane

  17. 计算元素电离势的新方法

    A new method for calculating the ionization potentials of elements

  18. 周期系相邻元素电离势的相关性

    Coherency of Ionization Potential of Atomic Shell for Adjacent Elements in Periodic System

  19. 从接触电荷转移复合物的光谱测定化合物的电离势

    Measurement of ionization potentials from contact charge transfer spectra

  20. 等电子原子模型与原子电离势

    Isoelectronic atomic model and ionization potentials of atoms

  21. 非定域校正并不改善第一电离势的计算结果。

    The nonlocal correction does not improve the calculated results of the first ionization potentials .

  22. 镧系元素的静电排斥参数和价轨道电离势的半经验公式

    Semi-empirical expressions for electrostatic repulsion parameters and valence orbital ionization potentials of lanthanoid atoms and ions

  23. 在水溶液中,金属原子失去电子能力的难易用电离势数值大小来衡量。

    In solution Numerical Value of standard electric Potential measure difficult and easy of metal atom lose electron .

  24. 本文从金属的标准电极电势,电离势分别讨论金属活动顺序。

    This paper I am going to discuss the activity order of metals through standard electric potential and ionization energy metal .

  25. 对电子俘获过程与能量亏损和靶原了电离势的关系进行了讨论。

    The relations of the electron capture processes with the energy defect and the ionized potential of the target atom are discussed .

  26. 采用量子化学从头算的方法,对电离势、前线轨道能级和共轭能进行了计算。

    Some quantum data such as ionization energy , advanced linear orbital level and conjugated energy were calculated by quantum chemical initial calculation method .

  27. 详细地分析了团簇的结构特征,平均结合能,垂直电离势,垂直电子亲和能,电荷转移以及成键特征。

    Structural features , binding energies , vertical ionization potentials , vertical electron affinity , charge transfers , and binding characters were evaluated for each Au & Ni binary cluster .

  28. 强调要把元素的金属性与单质的金属性活动性区分开,并分别用电离势和反应的自由能变化(或标准电极电势)来衡量。

    Emphasizes the distinguishment of elementary metallicity from metallic activity of elements which should be respectively measured by ionization potential and free energy change of reaction ( or standard electrode potential ) .

  29. 计算了稳定结构的平均结合能、电离势、电子亲和势、最高占据轨道能级和最低空轨道能级及二者间的能隙。

    The binding energies , ionization potential , electron affinity , the highest occupied molecular orbital energy level , lowest unoccupied molecular orbital energy level , and the energy gaps of them have been calculated .