
  • 网络Cable System;SEACOM
  1. 110kV及以上高压交联电缆系统故障分析

    Fault Analysis for 110 kV and the Above HV Cross - Linking Cable System

  2. 500kV交联聚乙烯电缆系统

    500 kV XLPE Cable System

  3. 对国内外部分高压交联聚乙烯(XLPE)电缆系统的绝缘损坏作了统计,分析了电缆及其附件绝缘老化原因和形态,叙述了XLPE电缆绝缘老化的机理。

    With the statistics on insulation damages of some HV XLPE cable systems at home and abroad , the causes , modes and mechanisms of insulation ageing of XLPE cables and their accessories are analyzed .

  4. 在完成30m,三相,35kV/2kA高温超导(HTS)交流电缆系统的研制过程中,为了优化电缆导体结构设计,需要测量导体层电流分布。

    In order to optimize the structure of HTS cable conductor , the current distribution in the HTS cable conductor must be measured in the development of a 30m , three phases 35KV / 2KA HTS AC cable .

  5. 海洋石油物探新技术&海底电缆系统

    The Ocean Bottom Cable System - A New Marine Geophysical Technology

  6. 非常适用于全塑、纸浆、铅包充气通信电缆系统的堵塞。

    Analysis on signaling cable anti-interference against the field in substation ;

  7. 基于时域有限差分法的电缆系统电磁瞬态分析

    Electromagnetic Transient Analysis of Cable System Based on FDTD Method

  8. 外部电磁场对屏蔽多导体电缆系统耦合影响的分析

    Analysis on the EM Coupling Effects of the shielded Multiconductor Cable Systems

  9. 报告902陆地移动业务的辐射/漏泄电缆系统

    Report 902 : Radiating / Leaky Cable Systems in the Land Mobile Services

  10. 电力电缆系统的故障主要发生在电缆附件部分。

    The breakdown of electric cable system is mostly happened on cable accessories .

  11. 双电缆系统电流耦合效应数值计算

    Calculation of current coupling in the double cable system

  12. 用快速分解潮流法研究带病态支路的地下电缆系统

    Investigation into Underground Cable Systems with Ill-Conditioned Branches by Fast Decoupled Load Flow

  13. 正常运行的预制分支电缆系统平时不需要任何维护保养。

    Normally , the pre-fabricated branch cable can run long term without any maintenance .

  14. 办公电缆系统的全面运行测试。

    Full operational testing of office cabling systems .

  15. 文章所介绍的美国Syntron公司最新生产的海底电缆系统就是一种新的遥测仪。

    And intro duced in this paper is one of the new telemetry system .

  16. 在较老工的同轴电缆系统中,每隔八英里要装一个放大器;

    In the order type of coaxial system , amplifiers are required every eight miles .

  17. 北京地区高压电缆系统

    The HV cable system in Beijing area

  18. 35kV/2kA高温超导电缆系统现场安装、调试和运行缺陷分析

    The analysis of 35kV / 2kA HTS cable system site installation , trial and operation fault

  19. 电流注入法模拟双电缆系统的X光辐照效应实验研究

    On the research of X ray effects in double cable system by the current injection test

  20. 一旦你重视的所有电缆系统,您需要按下此按钮。

    Once you have attached all the cables to the system , you need to press this button .

  21. 有关光纤海底电缆系统的新建议的制定正在考虑中。

    Amendments have been made taking into account the establishment of new Recommendations relevant to optical fibre submarine cable systems .

  22. 由于存在小电抗和大电阻,而使电缆系统中的病态支路有好几种类型;

    There are several types of ill-conditioned branches in the cable system for the existence of small reactance and large resistance .

  23. 介绍应用于高压电缆系统中的实时温度监测系统和水分监测系统。

    This article introduces real time thermal rating ( RTTR ) and water monitoring systems which are used in HV cable systems .

  24. 最后以某捷运系统之泄波电缆系统为实际案例做为行动通信室内涵盖論证规划设计的參考实绩。

    Finally , the results of this leakage cable system and practically applied to indoor coverage design for Metro Rapid Transit System .

  25. 在较新式的同轴电缆系统中,传输信号的频率高得多,所要只每隔四英里装一个放大器。

    In the newer type coaxial system , the signals transmitted are much higher in frequency and amplifiers are required every four miles .

  26. 这套高温超导电缆系统的成功并网运行意味着中国的高温超导电缆技术已向工业化生产迈出了重要的一步。

    The successful on-line operation of this HTS cable system means that the HTS cable technology in China advances with a big stride towards its industrialized production .

  27. 特别是当多分量数据采集采用绕圈悬挂式海底电缆系统进行作业时,水平分量检波器的方位校正就显得非常关键和重要。

    In particular , when the multi-component seismic data was acquired using looped-draped seabed cable system , the orientation correction of horizontal-components will become very critical and important .

  28. 结合公伯峡水电站电缆系统设计,对合理选择电缆截面、敷设方式及保护措施等技术问题加以介绍。

    Combined with the design of Gongboxia Hydropower Station , this paper bring forward some technical problems in respect of proper selection of cable section , earthing mode and protective measures .

  29. 主要的三种标准的产品包括:基于无线控制技术的无线控制系统、线电缆系统以及自立式系统。

    The range consists of three different types of regulation systems : a wireless system based on radio communication ( RF ) technology , a hard-wired system , and a self-acting system .

  30. 该混合非线性分布参数系统描述一端固定,另一端粘附有质量块的振动电缆系统,该质量块由一弹簧悬挂着,且受外力扰动。

    The hybrid nonlinear distributed parameter system described a cable with one end fixed and with a mass attached at the other end . The mass was suspended by a spring , which had nonlinear stiffening terms and was forced by a disturbance .