
  • 网络ATx;Computer Power Supply
  1. 广泛应用在光纤、电缆、电脑电源线、HDMI线、音视频线及汽车、空调、冰箱等线束的保护及美化上。

    Widely used in optical fiber , cable , computer power cord , HDMI cable , audio and video lines and cars , air conditioners , refrigerators and other wiring harness on the protection and beautification .

  2. 这台电脑电源怎么开?

    How do I turn on the Computer ?

  3. 也许这也是积极进取的苹果公司最近几代的笔记本电脑电源线不那么容易缠绕的原因。

    Perhaps this is what motivated Apple to make the power cables for more recent generations of laptops less flexible .

  4. 使用电脑电源是最坏的主意,如果你要考虑相噪的话。

    Use of PC power supplies is clearly a bad idea , at least if phase noise is a concern .

  5. 使用电脑电源功率在白天,因此一段持久电池是很重要的。

    It is difficult for her to use the computer on mains power during the day , thus a long lasting battery is important .

  6. 装有电控发动机与电控自动变速器的车辆,电脑电源一旦被切断,其内部记忆将会丢失。

    Whenever the power for ECU of the engine and auto transmission of automobiles is cutting Off , some memories in the ECU will lost .

  7. 由于笔记本电脑AC电源适配器工作时发热严重,现阶段技术无法集成到笔记本电脑里,仍需外部配置。

    The notebook computer AC power adapter cannot be integrated into the laptops because of the serious heat when it works .

  8. 多功能电脑焊接电源的研究与设计

    Study and design of microcomputer-controlled welding power source for multiple Purposes

  9. 电脑系统电源的自动化程序开关

    The automatic programme switch for computer system 's power-source

  10. 连接电源适配器到笔记本电脑和电源插座。

    Connect the AC Adapter to the notebook PC and to an electrical socket .

  11. 解决问题的关键是你在打开电子邮件的时候要拔去笔记本电脑的电源插头。

    The key here is to unplug your laptop when you open your email .

  12. 低工作:设置电脑的电源管理系统,在家里和在工作。

    Low effort : Set your computer 's power management system at home and at work .

  13. 机械人可以是自主控制的或连接电脑和电源。

    Robots can be controlled autonomously or by a PC and connected to electric power supply .

  14. 一气之下,我啪地一下关掉了电脑的电源,不想再干等着按部就班地关闭电脑。

    Aggravated , I snapped off the computer 's main power switch , not waiting to shut things down properly .

  15. 各种家电用品,仪器、电脑之电源线固定及保护用,避免电源线滑动而被机板割伤。

    All kinds of home appliances , equipment , computer power line protection with fixed and to avoid power lines sliding and cuting .

  16. 基于笔记本电脑的机房电源监控系统改造

    Improvement of Power Supervision System for Power Room Based on PC

  17. 我的手提电脑可以用电源,也可以用电池。

    My laptop can run off the mains or a battery .

  18. 关闭电脑并拔掉电源线。

    Turn off the computer and unplug the power cord .

  19. 休息室里有桌子和供笔记本电脑使用的电源插座。

    They have desks and laptop power points .

  20. 我告诉她将笔记本电脑外接电源断开并将它的电池取掉。

    I told her laptop external power supply will disconnect the battery and removed it .

  21. 为美国公司加工生产的笔记本电脑用开关电源变压线圈及各类电感线圈。

    Switching power transformer coil for notebook-computer processed for American company , and inductance coils of various kinds .

  22. 苹果公司说,涉及的电池造成的影响包括当电脑连结外置电源时不充电。

    Apple said problems with affected batteries include not charging when the computer is plugged into an outlet .

  23. 但是推荐的方法是在夜间断开笔记本电脑的主电源避免高温损害电池。

    It is recommended , however , to turn the laptop off overnight because of heat harms the battery .

  24. 直接甲醇燃料电池(DMFC)以甲醇为燃料,具有比能量密度高、结构简单、使用方便灵活等特点,在手机、笔记本电脑等可移动电源领域具有广阔的应用前景。

    Direct methanol fuel cell ( DMFC ) using liquid methanol as fuel , is promising for portable application such as cell phone , laptop computer and other electronics because of its high energy density , simplicity of structure ( no additional equipment such as fuel reformer ) and maintenance .

  25. 你打开电脑了吗?电源插了吗?

    Did you turn the computer on ? Have you plugged it in ?

  26. 还要记住,要在关闭电脑之后再关电源。

    And remember , you turn off the power after you turn off the computer .

  27. 现在所有的电脑都使用开关电源,而这都是盗用了罗德的设计。”

    Every computer now uses switching power supplies , and they all rip off Rod 's design . "

  28. 加油机电脑装置主要由电源模块、税控模块、接线模块、开关、控制模块、传感器、显示模块、键盘及键显等组成。

    The electronic part of filling petrol machine is composed of power module , custom control module , interface module , switch , control module , sensor , display module , keyboard , keyboard display and RTC etc.

  29. 在使用电脑时,可将电脑主机电源及显示器电源同时接入JF-318型。

    If using computer , both host unit power and monitor power may be connected into JF-318 at the same time .

  30. 随着手机用户的增加,电脑的普及,对于小功率离线式AC-DC电源需求迅猛增大,如:电源适配器,电池充电器,和电脑待机电源等。

    The usage of small power off-line AC-DC power supplies for adapter , battery charger and standby power source have been increased dramatically due to the growth in both cell phones and computers .