
  • 网络Electrolytic product;product of electrolysis;electrolysate
  1. 分析结果表明,电解产物中含有胡椒醛。

    Products containing piperonal have been obtained by electrolysis .

  2. 然后利用电解产物间氨基苯磺酸,通过碱熔合成间氨基苯酚,产率可达80.16%。

    Then preparation m-aminophenol by alkali melts m-aminobenzene sulfonic acid , the product rate reach 80.16 % .

  3. 低温(10~20℃)电解产物具有独特的结构和新颖的性质。

    The oxides prepared at low temperature ( 10-20 ℃) have a unique structure and exhibit a novel property .

  4. 岩石润湿性受电场及电解产物影响而发生变化。

    Moreover , rock wettability may be affected and changed by the action of electrical field applied and electrolytic products .

  5. 应用小型槽电镀和赫尔槽试验,研究了1,4-丁二醇、1,4-丁炔二醇的电解产物在亮镍醇液中的影响。

    Experiments have been conducted with Hull cell and others to investigate the effect of 1,4-butanediol and the electrolyzed products of 1,4-butynediol in watts nickel bath .

  6. 关于脉冲电场杀菌机理,现有多种假设:主要有电介质击穿理论,细胞膜穿孔效应、电磁机制模型、粘弹极性形成模型、电解产物效应和臭氧效应等。

    With regard to PEF sterilization mechanism , there are lots of hypotheses . It mainly has electrical breakdown 、 electroporation 、 electro analysis production effect and ozone effect and so on .

  7. 通过自来水冲洗稀盐酸浸泡、洗涤在超声波辅助作用下稀盐酸洗涤,可减少熔盐及其它杂质对电解产物检测结果的影响;

    To eliminate influence of salt and other impurities , the products need to wash with distilled water and dilute chlorhydric acid , then wash with dilute hydrochloric acid under supersonic wave assistant .

  8. 指出在这种体系中,阳极扩散电流不由碘离子向阳极的扩散速度所控制,而是由阳极电解产物碘由电极表面向溶液中的扩散所控制;

    It is found that the anodic diffusion currents are not controlled by the diffusion of iodide ions toward the electrode , but by that of the product iodine from the electrode to the solution .

  9. 不同的水热条件能够明显改善电解产物的微观形貌及尺寸大小,并且可以显著地降低吸附水和导电盐的含量。

    The magnesium aluminates spinel precursor has the smallest size when the alcohol-water ratio is2: 1.Different hydrothermal conditions can significantly improve the morphology and size of the electrolysis products , and the content of adsorbed water and conductive salt can be significantly reduced .

  10. 取代芳烃电解氧化产物的GC-MS分析(Ⅰ)

    GC-MS Analysis of Electro-oxidation Products of Alkyl Aromatics (ⅰ)

  11. 浅谈食盐电解副产物三氯化氮

    Introduction to nitrogen trichloride byproduct from the electrolysis of brine

  12. 通过电解副产物计算阴极电流效率

    Calculating cathodic current efficiency based on the by-products in electrolysis

  13. 电解加工产物及其加速沉降的研究

    A study of the by - product and its accelerative precipitation in electrochemical machining

  14. 钕电解阳极产物的研究

    Study of anodic overvoltage in neodymium electrolysis

  15. 从甲苯电解氧化产物中鉴定出7种主要成分,从对甲基苯甲醚电解氧化产物中鉴定出6种主要成分,从对叔丁基甲苯电解氧化产物中鉴定出6种主要成分;

    Seven , six and six major constituents have been identified in the electrolytic-oxidation products of toluene , p-methyl anisole and p-tert-butyl toluene , respectively .

  16. 本文主要通过沉降分析曲线,介绍了电解加工产物&电解泥的结构、组成以及粒度分布概况。

    In this-paper the structure , composition and grain size distribution of the byproduct in E G M which is usually known as E C M mud are introduced by analysing the precipitation curves .

  17. 论述了电化学采油的4种作用机理,即电渗效应、地层细组分的电化学聚结及粘土矿物的变化作用、电解及其产物的作用、润湿性的改善作用。

    In this paper , four mechanisms of the electrochemical recovery methods are discussed : the effect of electroosmosis , the electrochemical aggregation action of tiny contents and the construction change of clay minerals in oil bearing , the effect of electrolysis and electrolytic products and the improve of wettability .

  18. 氯碱电解的其它产物(Cl2、H2)也在工艺中循环利用:氯气送精矿浸出,氢气送氧化亚铜的还原,将氧化亚铜还原为金属铜。

    Sodium hydroxide is regenerated in a chlor-alkali cell . The other products of the electrolyser are also recirculated , chlorine gas to concentrate leaching and hydrogen gas to the reduction of cuprous oxide to metallic copper .

  19. 第二阶段,以多硫化物的电解为主,其产物是稳定的聚合型α型硫磺S8。

    At the second stage , the oxidation of polysulfide is dominated with the product of polymer sulfur & a - S8 . The point of demarcation of two stages is that the number of dissociate hydrosulfide is equal to the that of sulfur in solution .

  20. 电解温度越高电解产物氧含量越低。

    The higher the electrolysis temperature is , the lower the oxygen content of product contains .

  21. 微细电解加工时,微小加工间隙内的电解产物难以移除,会降低加工效率、影响加工稳定性和质量。

    The electrolytic products are hard to be removed from the small machining gap in micro ECM ( electrochemical machining ) process , which decrease the machining efficiency , stability and quality .

  22. 微细电解加工时,由于间隙微小,生成的电解产物因难以从加工区域中移除而降低了加工速度甚至中断加工。

    The electrolytic products are hard to be removed from machining gap in micro-ECM ( electrochemical machining ) process , which may lower machining speed or stop the machining process .

  23. 本文首先分析了影响微细电解加工的主要因素,揭示出以气泡为主的电解产物在微小加工间隙中蓄积,从而控制阳极表面电化学反应速度的机理。

    The accumulation of electrolytic products ( mainly the hydrogen bubbles ) in the machining gap is the key factor controlling the anodic dissolution rate .

  24. 进一步的电解实验表明,电极材料及溶剂的条件决定了电解乙炔产物的分布。

    Electrolytic results of acetylene further indicate the product distributions depend onthe cathodic materials and solvent conditions .