
  • 网络Return visit
  1. 电话回访式健康教育对原发性高血压病人的作用

    The Effects of Health Education of Telephone Return Visit on Hypertension Patients

  2. 电话回访对肱骨外科颈骨折小夹板外固定患者康复的影响

    Effect of health education of telephone return visit in patients of fracture of surgical neck of humerus by small splint external fixation

  3. 电话回访式健康教育在出院早产儿中的应用

    Application of Health Education by Follow-up Phone Calling in Premature Infants

  4. 要在当天结束前电话回访客户吗?

    Need to call that customer back by end of day ?

  5. 电话回访妇科出院患者的健康教育

    The health education of discharged gynecologic patients by phone call consultation

  6. 电话回访卡在妇科出院病人中的应用

    Application of telephone back-visiting card in discharged patients of gynecology department

  7. 对出院患者进行电话回访的做法与效果

    The practice and effect of telephone follow-up for discharged patients

  8. 对出院病人电话回访结果的分析及对策

    Analysis of results of telephone call back for discharged patients and its strategies

  9. 出院患者电话回访中存在问题及对策

    Problems of call visiting discharged patients and countermeasures

  10. 精神病病人家属对电话回访行康复指导的需求

    The demand of psychotic 's relation for telephone visit to guide patient 's healing

  11. 电话回访对心脏瓣膜置换术后病人生活质量的影响

    Influence of call-on back by phone on living quality of patients after cardiac valve replacement

  12. 电话回访在牙拔除术后的应用

    Application of Telephone Interview After Tooth Extraction

  13. 电话回访在手外科出院病人功能锻炼指导中的应用

    Application of calling back follow-up in functional exercises instruction of patients discharged from hand surgical department

  14. 电话回访对体外冲击波碎石后患者遵医行为的影响

    The affect of telephone return call on the compliance behavior of patients after extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy

  15. 治疗期间进行对比观察并在疗程结束后3个月电话回访,并进行统计分析。

    Compare observed during treatment and 3 months after the end of treatment telephone follow and carry out statistical analysis .

  16. 电话回访对肝胆外科出院患者自我护理行为影响的研究

    Study on the effect of through telephone follow-up on the self-care behaviors in discharged patients after liver and gall surger

  17. 我们质量有保证、售后有服务,定期电话回访客户紧固件使用情况。

    We guarantee the quality of our products with after service , and we make follow-up feedback termly on the fastener usage .

  18. 方法成立服务回访中心,对出院后的病人开展电话回访、家庭访视、健康关怀服务等。

    Methods A visit service center was set up to provide telephone visit , home visit and health care for the discharged patients .

  19. 患者对疾病基本知识的了解及自我保健意识,经第2次电话回访与第1次电话回访比较,有显著性差异,P<0.01。

    As for understanding of the disease knowledge and self health care , the comparison between the two times indicated significant differences ( P < 0.01 ) .

  20. 82例聋儿家长对康复认知与需求的调查分析精神病病人家属对电话回访行康复指导的需求

    A survey of 82 parents of hearing-impaired children in understanding of the needs of the families ; THE DEMAND OF PSYCHOTIC 'S RELATION FOR TELEPHONE VISIT TO GUIDE PATIENT 'S HEALING

  21. 可能是我们早晨聊天时,听到了前天献时的电话回访吧,建议我多休息一下,现在血液质量不高。

    May be us when the morning chat , heard dedicate the day before yesterday of the telephone returned to visit , suggest that I much took a break , the blood quality wasn 't high now .

  22. 通过对3500余人次的有效电话回访,实施健康教育、健康指导3000余人次,受理健康咨询500余人次,协调和化解各类医疗纠纷20余起。

    This article introduced the practice of return call visit in over 3 500 patients . More than 3 000 cases received health education and instruction , and about 500 cases received health consultation . Moreover , 20 cases of medical disputes were harmonized and relieved .