
lüè yǔ
  • abbreviation;shortening
略语 [lüè yǔ]
  • [abbreviation] 任何简便的口头或书面语的简短形式或简单的节略以代替已知的或规定的整体。如:脱产(脱离生产)

略语[lüè yǔ]
  1. 你会在书的前面找到略语表。

    You will find a key at the front of the book .

  2. 缩写(词),略语,简化这本词典努力把词意简化。

    This dictionary tries to simplify the meanings of words .

  3. 切勿让字典的略语难住你。

    Don 't let dictionary abbreviations put you off .

  4. 本文把省略语分为非惯用省略语和惯用省略语两种。

    This paper classifies elliptic utterances in two groups : non-idiomatic and idiomatic .

  5. 本文就何为略语、略语的意识、略语的分类、略语的构成、略语的特征、略语的展望等六个部分以现有的语言为基础对省略语进行一个简要的分析。

    This essay will base the analysis of the abbreviation on its definition , consciousness , classification , features , and prospects .

  6. 语法因素表现为汉语词法与句法的一致性,这使短语和略语转化为词。

    Grammar factor refers to the agreement between the Chinese lexicon and syntax , which accounts for the acceptance of some free phrases and abbreviations as words .

  7. 归纳了论文的主要发现和不足之处。在此基础上,指出了在省略语篇的翻译教学中应侧重思考的几个问题,并对未来研究提出了建议。

    The major findings and limitations are summarized , and several points in the translation of ellipsis in the texts are mentioned , and suggestions for future research are offered as well .