
  1. 畲族文化变迁过程中两种不同力量的作用

    The Role Played by Two Different Forces in the Process of Ethnic She People 's Cultural Changes

  2. 论畲族图腾文化与现代壁画的契合

    On the Totem Culture of She Nationality Corresponding to Modern Mural Painting

  3. 论畲族婚育文化的特点、成因及借鉴

    On the Feature , Cause and using for Reference of the Marital Culture of the She People

  4. 现有的知识产权法和《非物质文化遗产公约》都无法满足对畲族民俗文化保护的要求。

    Existing intellectual property law and the " non-material cultural heritage convention " can 't meet the requirements of the protection of SHE folk culture .

  5. 宁德畲族民俗文化内涵丰富,是调查、研究和借鉴畲族历史文化的主要依据。

    SHE folk in Ningde culture has rich content , it 's the major basis of the investigation , study and reference to the SHE 's history and culture .

  6. 建议对畲族大学生进行文化教育的同时,重视加强他们体育的薄弱环节。

    While proposing to She 's university student culture and education , we should strengthen the weak link in their sports .

  7. 文章根据实地调研、实例分析和文献对比,对浙江畲族彩带的民俗文化和染织技术等进行了较为详细的探讨。

    This paper discusses carefully folk culture and textile technology of She ' sash in Zhejiang by adopting the methods of on-the-spot investigation , example analysis and literature contrast .

  8. 畲族民歌是畲族传统文化中的瑰宝。

    The folk songs of SHE-Minority are the treasure of She traditional culture .

  9. 畲族传统节日三月三缩影式地集中反映了畲族传统文化中的种种特点,体现了独具特色的畲族文化。

    The traditional holiday of " March Third " in a miniature but concentrated way reflects the various characteristics of She Zu culture , represents the unique values of She Zu culture .

  10. 畲族作为一个古老的民族,具有悠久的历史和文化,畲族民歌作为其文化传承的重要方式,在畲族迁徙和发展的过程中发挥着重要的文化纽带作用。

    As an ancient nation , the She Nationality enjoys long history and culture . Its folk songs , as a dominant mode of the culture heritage hare played an important role as a cultural bond during the migration and development .

  11. 本文试图通过对畲族传统服饰的基本形制、纹样及功能的阐述,探究原始服饰文化艺术的产生与发展,更深层次地理解畲族传统服饰文化的精髓。

    This text attempts to probe into the production and development of culture and arts of the primitive dress by basic structure , line kind and exposition of the function of the Traditional Clothing of She Nationality , understands deeply the marrow of Traditional Clothing of She Nationality .