
  • 网络furuncle;Boil
  1. 挑治加艾条温和灸治疗疖肿35例

    To Treat Thirty-five Cases of Furuncle Treated by Pricking Therapy and Warm Moxibustion

  2. 结论浅部真菌病患病率最高,其次为痤疮、湿疹、荨麻疹、神经性皮炎、跖疣、疖肿、隐翅虫皮炎等;

    Superficial mycosis was the most common , and second to it were acne , eczema , urticaria , neurodermatitis , plantar wart , furuncle and paederus dermatitis .

  3. 方法对外生殖器部位及其周围有硬结或疖肿、裂隙、毛囊炎等非水疱性皮肤黏膜损害的患者进行临床资料采集和分析,并对皮损标本进行单纯疱疹病毒的分离培养、PCR检测和病毒分型。

    Methods Clinical data were collected and analyzed from patients with anogenital non-herpetic lesions including induration or furuncle , fissure , folliculitis , single ulcer and so on .

  4. 鲜芦荟汁治疗早期疖肿16例

    Fresh Aloe Juice to Treat 16 Cases of Early Stage Furuncles

  5. 超声多普勒对25例疖肿型蝇蛆病的诊断价值

    The value of Doppler ultrasound in diagnosis in 25 cases of furunculoid myiasis

  6. 目的观察紫外线重叠照射法治疗疖肿的疗效。

    Objective To observe the efficacy of ultraviolet ray on furuncle and phyma .
