
jiè chuāng
  • scabies;itch;scab;puces;psora
疥疮 [jiè chuāng]
  • (1) [scabies]∶由螨类引起的(尤指已呈现渗出硬痂的)疥或者癞疮

  • (2) [scab]∶形成脓疮或鳞屑的皮肤病

疥疮[jiè chuāng]
  1. “疥疮是一种全世界常见的寄生虫感染性疾病,尤其是热带,”泰国曼谷Mahidol大学的R。

    " Scabies is a common parasitic infection globally , particularly in the tropics ," Dr.R.McGready , of Mahidol University , Bangkok , Thailand , and colleagues write .

  2. IMCI皮肤病防治办法是一种有效的工具,在检测疥疮和脓疱病上做些改善后应纳入IMCI当中。

    The IMCI skin algorithm is a robust tool that should be incorporated into the IMCI after some modifications relating to scabies and impetigo .

  3. 鲁南地区中小学生疥疮流行调查与防治

    Epidemiological survey and prevention of scabies in pupils in South Shandong

  4. 我见过另一个通过衣服传染的疾病是疥疮。

    The other infestation I 've seen from clothing is scabies .

  5. 一种药剂,用于杀灭引起发痒的疥疮的小虫。

    A drug that destroys the itch mite that causes scabies .

  6. 疥疮,皮疹和杀虫,止痒。

    For scabies , skin rash and Insecticidal , anti-itch .

  7. 报告挪威疥疮1例。

    A 65 years old man suffered with Norwegian scabies was reported .

  8. 卤米松乳膏治疗疥疮结节35例

    Treatment of 35 Cases with Scabies Nodule with Halometasone Cream

  9. 口服伊维菌素治疗疥疮42例疗效观察

    Clinical Efficacy of Ivermectin in the Treatment of Scabies in 42 Cases

  10. 单味蜈蚣汁内服治疗疥疮186例

    186 Cases of Scabies Treated by Internal Administration of Sole Centipede Juice

  11. 甲硝唑霜治疗592例疥疮疗效评价

    Evaluation on the curative effect of 592 cashes of scabies with metronidazole cream

  12. 铍宝药膏治疗疥疮60例疗效观察

    Clinical Effect Observation of Pibal Cream in Treatment of 60 Patients with Scabies

  13. 国产1%林丹霜治疗疥疮1086例

    Treatment of 1086 patients of scabies with lindane cream

  14. 本文报告一发生在皮肌炎病患以头皮为感染部位的角化型疥疮病例。

    We present a case of dermatomyositis with keratotic scabies in the scalp .

  15. 巴西贫穷社区疥疮和头虱的流行病学和发病率研究

    Epidemiology and morbidity of scabies and pediculosis capitis in resource-poor communities in Brazil

  16. 氨苯笔砜治疗结节性痒疹及疥疮结节的疗效观察

    Prurigo nodosa and Scabby nodule treated with DDS

  17. 液氮冷冻治疗疥疮结节188例疗效观察

    Therapeutic Effect Observation of Liquid Nitrogen Cryotherapy in Treating 188 Cases of Scabies Nodular

  18. 霍奇金氏病误诊为颈椎结核、疥疮1例

    Misdiagnosis of a case of Hodgkin 's disease as cervical vertebral tuberculosis and scabies

  19. 结论疥疮发病与气象因素有关。

    Conclusion : The changes of meteorological factors were related to morbidity of scabies .

  20. 疥疮的治疗用药。

    The cure of scabies uses drug .

  21. 214例疥疮临床分析

    Clinical analysis of 214 cases of scabies

  22. 挪威疥疮1例

    A case of Norwegian scabies

  23. 应用光学显微镜对78个疥疮炎性结节隧道内的疥螨及其产物进行了形态学、结构以及炎性反应的组织病理学研究。

    By microscope we studied the morphology formation and histopathology in 78 scabies inflammatory nodules and burrows .

  24. 在塞内加尔的社区,局部涂抹苯酸苄酯治疗疥疮的效果明显好于口服依维菌素。

    Topical BB was clearly more effective than oral IV for treating scabies in a Senegalese community .

  25. 鉴别诊断通常包括天花、水痘、麻疹、细菌性皮肤感染、疥疮、药物过敏和梅毒。

    The differential diagnoses include usually smallpox , chickenpox , measles , bacterial skin infections , scabies , medicamentous allergies and syphilis .

  26. 虽然统计未达显著的意义,我们仍有理由相信工作人员的疥疮感染和职业上的接触有著密切的关系。

    Although not statistically significant , we believe there may be a relationship between staff with scabies and occupational contact with patients .

  27. 疥疮是由疥虫引起的,通过人与人相传染,也可借卧具相互传播。

    Fishskin disease Scabies is caused by a mite and transmitted from person to person . It can be transmitted by sharing linens .

  28. 建立治疗组应用于52例疥疮患者,以硫磺软膏为对照组应用于40例疥疮患者,观察治疗效果。

    52 cases with scabies were treated by the gel of sulfur while 40 cases were treated by the ointment of sulfur as control group .

  29. 临床试用20%ZTE治疗55例疥疮病人,用药五次治愈率为74.55%,未见毒副作用。

    55 scabies patients were treated with 20 % ZTE , the cure rate was 74.55 % with five times application . No toxic and side effects were observed .

  30. 日常生活中,蛇咬蚊虻叮噬、饥饿、干渴等苦受,乃至于生疥疮等常见的病痛,难道我未曾尝过这些滋扰,而且已经习惯忍受了吗?

    Who has not seen this to be so with trifling sufferings such as the bites of snakes and insects , feelings of hunger and thirst and with such minor things as rashes ?