
bì zhèng
  • Arthralgia syndrome;Bi Zheng
痹证[bì zhèng]
  1. 骨性关节炎*(Osteoarthritis,OA)是一种严重危害中老年人身体健康的慢性退行性关节病,属祖国医学中骨痹、痹证的范畴。

    Osteoarthritis ( OA ) of knee is a chronic disease which badly harms health of the old .

  2. 方法:选用Ⅱ型胶原诱导的小鼠关节炎(CIA)作为痹证模型;

    Methods : Arthristis was induced by type ⅱ collagen ( CIA ) superimposed on spleen deficiency in DBA mice .

  3. 正常组、CIA组SIgA阳性细胞较多,脾虚组、脾虚痹证组则明显减少。

    SigA positive cells were more in normal and CIA mice , while it reduced apparently in spleen-deficiency and spleen-deficiency-CIA mice .

  4. 类风湿关节炎(RA)是一种常见的慢性、系统性自身免役性疾病,属于中医痹证、历节等范畴。

    Rheumatoid arthritis ( RA ) is a kind of frequently chronic 、 Autoimmune disease , belonging to " blockage syndrome " 、 " Lijie " of TCM .

  5. 结果:脾虚组、脾虚痹证组肠道PP结数量明显减少,CIA组变化不明显。

    Results : the number of intestinal PP apparently reduced in mice with spleen deficiency and in mice with spleen-deficiency-CIA , while there was no significant changes in CIA mice .

  6. 加味乌头汤不同配伍治疗寒湿痹证的临床观察

    Wu-Tang Flavored Cold Treatment of Different Combinations of Clinical Observation Arthralgia

  7. 机体因风、寒、湿三气杂至而成痹证。

    Arthralgia is due to wind , The cold and dampness .

  8. 电热针为主治疗痹证的临床研究

    Clinical Study on Treatment of Arthralgia Syndrome mainly with Electrothermal Acupuncture

  9. 雷公藤多苷对痹证大鼠毒性反应初步评价

    Preliminary Evaluation on Toxic Reaction of Tripterygium Polyglycoside in Bi Syndrome Rats

  10. 综合灸疗法治疗痹证150例

    Treatment of 150 Cases of Arthralgia Syndrome with Moxibustion Therapy

  11. 蜂针治疗痹证30例临床观察

    Treatment of Bi-syndrome with Bee-sting Therapy : Clinical Observation on 30 Cases

  12. 药锭灸治疗痹证58例临床观察

    Clinical Observation on the Treatment of 58 Cases of Bi-Syndromes by Medicinal Moxibustion

  13. 电温灸器和温针灸治疗痹证的比较

    Comparison of electric heat moxibustion apparatus and warming-needle moxibustion for treating arthralgia syndrome

  14. 仲景治疗痹证特色及对后世影响的研究

    A Study about Zhongjing Treatment of Bi-syndrome Characteristics and Influences in Later Generations

  15. 蜂针阿是穴与远部取穴治疗痹证的临床对照研究

    The Clinical Research of Treating Bi-syndrom with Nearby or Remote Bee Needle Therapy

  16. 风寒湿痹证用蠲痹汤加减。

    Rheumatism caused by wind-cold-dampness : using Juan Bi Decoction modification . 6 .

  17. 张仲景痹证学术思想探讨

    Discussion on ZHANG Zhong-jing Academic Thoughts of Arthromyodynia

  18. 痹证发病与性别和年龄相关,男性发病最多见。

    The Arthralgia incidence of gender and age , the most common male incidence .

  19. 火针配合中药熏剂治疗痹证的临床研究

    Clinical investigation of therapeutic effect of Huo Zhen and Herbal Fumigant in treating Arthralgia-syndrome

  20. 兔风寒湿痹证型颈椎病模型的建立

    A rabbit model of cervical spondylosis established by stimulation of wind , cold and dampness

  21. 灸脐周三穴治疗痹证60例

    60 Cases of Arthralgia Syndrome Treated with Moxibustion at the Three Points around the Navel

  22. 温针治疗痹证临床观察附:100例病例分析

    Arthralgia-syndrome Treated with Acupuncture Warming the Needle by Moxa Roll & A Repot of 100 Cases

  23. 研究背景:痹证是临床常见病与多发病,也是疑难杂病之一。

    Background : Bi - syndrome is one of the common clinical syndromes and complicated diseases .

  24. 目的观察火针配合中药熏剂治疗痹证的临床疗效。

    Objective To observe the therapeutic effect of Huo Zhen and Herbal Fumigant in treating Arthralgia-syndrome .

  25. 痹痛灵治疗仪治疗痹证的临床研究&附:120例病例报告

    The Clinical Observation on 120 Cases of Arthralgia-Syndrome Treated with " Bi Tong Ling " Therapeutic Equipment

  26. 针灸治疗痹证的经络选择倾向和经穴应用规律。

    The meridians of acupuncture treatment of choice tendency and rule of acupuncture point application . 4 .

  27. 不同原因晕厥患者的随访观察研究机体因风、寒、湿三气杂至而成痹证。

    Study on syncope due to various etiology Arthralgia is due to wind , The cold and dampness .

  28. 痹证症情复杂,其辨治要点是痛、肿、僵、挛;

    Bi syndrome manifests complicated symptoms , but its treatment focuses on its pain , swelling and stiffness ;

  29. 中医归类此疾病为痹证,而艾灸亦对此疾病表现出了临床治疗效果。

    Chinese Medicine categorizes this as a " Bi-syndrome ", of which moxibustion has expressed clinical treatment results .

  30. 强直性脊柱炎是一种较常见的自身免疫性疾病,属于中医的痹证范畴。

    Ankylosing spondylitis is a relatively common autoimmune disease , belongs to Chinese medicine , " arthralgia " category .
