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yǐn jūn zǐ
  • drugster;dependent user;opium addict;addict;user
瘾君子 [yǐn jūn zǐ]
  • [opium addict] 对吸烟者的戏称

  • 瘾君子,请你多合作,公共场所今起禁烟

瘾君子[yǐn jūn zǐ]
  1. 他一直跟瘾君子和其他不良分子混在一起。

    He 's been mixing with drug addicts and other undesirables .

  2. 当时瘾君子正在楼梯井注射毒品。

    Drug users were jacking up in the stairwells .

  3. 他只有24岁,却是个瘾君子。

    He 's only 24 years old and a drug addict .

  4. 那个自己坦白的瘾君子在13个月前被逮捕。

    The self-confessed drug addict was arrested 13 months ago

  5. 瘾君子会进来偷东西。

    People who are drug addicts come in and steal

  6. 在这个国家,烟民比瘾君子或酒鬼要多。

    More people are habituated to cigarettes than to drugs or alcohol in this country .

  7. 这个国家的监狱里挤满了瘾君子,都容纳不下了。

    The country 's prisons are filled with drug-takers , and cannot cope with the numbers

  8. 这个瘾君子经常把别人对他的反应当作反感他的意思,即使别人并没有那个意思。

    The addict often reads disapproval into people 's reactions to him even where it does not exist

  9. 这个人是那个曾经是瘾君子的人吗YoungHoomieYoungHoomie

    Maybe it was the guy the ex-drug-addict at the end saying , Young Homie , Young Hoomie

  10. 以有线电视真实现场秀“intervention(干预)”中提供的著名方法来说,这个方法是为了让瘾君子和酗酒者接受治疗。

    Take the well-known approach featured on the cable TV reality show " Intervention " aimed at getting addicts and alcoholics into treatment .

  11. 我并非意在指出保罗?弗劳尔斯(PaulFlowers)要么是个瘾君子,要么是个傻瓜,因为我对他的了解不足以做出判断。

    I 'm not saying that Paul Flowers himself is either cokehead or blockhead , as I don 't know enough about him to judge .

  12. 现在,就像瘾君子戒不了毒一样,格罗斯在其博客TippingPoint中写道,QE将维持到2015年。

    Now , like an addict who can 't stop , Gross writes in his Tipping Point blog that QE will run to 2015 .

  13. 我自认是手机瘾君子,并且试图减少使用手机的时间,我认为XS对我来说也更健康。

    As a self-diagnosed phone addict who is trying to cut down on screen time , I decided the XS also felt healthier for me .

  14. 我觉得你会说我像个瘾君子。

    I guess you could say I 'm like an addict .

  15. 阿德拉是个瘾君子,他好像执意要自我毁灭似的。

    Adela , a drug addict , seemed bent on self-destruction .

  16. 我担心道格又再次沦为瘾君子了。

    I 'm afraid that Doug is on the needle again .

  17. 对那个瘾君子

    Oh , right , the , uh , pill head .

  18. 但是从没想过会叫他瘾君子。

    But I never thought I 'd call him a junkie .

  19. 他是个瘾君子,必须去戒毒所。

    He is a crack head and must go to rehab .

  20. 大多数阅读这个专栏的人都是这个或那个方面的瘾君子。

    Most people reading this column are addicts of some sort .

  21. 瘾君子习惯伤害他们身边的人。

    Drug addicts hurt the people around them with their habit .

  22. 就忍不住要勇闯毒窟.痛揍瘾君子的人

    without storming a crack den , beating up a junkie .

  23. 我是迪恩是个瘾君子

    Uh , I 'm Dean and I 'm an addict .

  24. 瘾君子对于持久的价格变化甚至可能比非瘾君子更加敏感。

    Addicts may even be more sensitive to lasting price-shifts than non-addicts .

  25. 连我自己的哥哥成了瘾君子都不知道。

    Didn 't even know my own brother turned into a junkie .

  26. 说的我像个瘾君子。

    You make me sound like I 'm a junkie .

  27. 我明白你为什么要偷,因为你是个瘾君子。

    I understand why you stole , because you 're a junky .

  28. 他们就去敲诈那些倒霉的瘾君子。

    They rip off unfortunate souls of their hard-earned drugs .

  29. 还是老一套.-他是瘾君子吧

    The usual . - He 's the drugs one , yeah ?

  30. 通常要几年才能成为瘾君子。

    It used to take years to become a junkie .
