
bái yún mǔ
  • muscovite;muscovitize;talc;common mica
白云母[bái yún mǔ]
  1. 白云母的红外吸收光谱

    The infrared absorption spectrum of Muscovite

  2. 近矿蚀变岩石中存在石英、绢云母、白云母、钠长石和碳酸盐。

    5 , There are quartz , sericite , muscovite , albite and carbonate in near - ore altered rocks .

  3. 原生绿柱石形成于早期岩浆阶段,与造岩矿物石英、白云母、钠长石、锂辉石共生。

    The primary beryl crystals were crystallized early from the pegmatitic magma in association with rock forming minerals such as quartz , muscovite , albite and spodumene .

  4. 蚀变分带较明显,与金矿化关系密切的蚀变矿物为白云母(特别是结晶度高、层间水强度低的白云母)、伊利石、电气石。

    The alteration zone is obvious . , muscovite ( in particular muscovite of high crystallinity degree and low intensity of interlayer water ), illite and tourmaline have close relationship with gold mineralization .

  5. 本文通过大别山东端郯庐韧性剪切带中糜棱岩的构造差应力测量和同构造新生白云母的电子探针分析,对这一科学问题进行了初步探讨。

    The paper explored primarily this problem by measuring difference stress and taking electron microprobe analysis on syngenetic muscovite of mylonites from the Tan-Lu fault zone on the eastern terminal of Dabie Mountains .