
Bái jū yì
  • Bai Juyi;celebrated Tang poet/official
白居易 [bái jū yì]
  • [Bai Juyi] (772-846) 字乐天,号香山居士,唐代下邽(现在陕西省渭南县)人,著名诗人。在文学上积极倡导新乐府运动,主张文章合为时而著,歌诗合为事而作。《与元九书》是他诗论的纲领,是我国文学批评史上的重要文献。早期多作讽谕诗,如《秦中吟》和《新乐府》,长篇叙事诗《长恨歌》、《琵琶行》也很有名。著有《白氏长庆集》

  1. 离离原上草,一岁一枯荣。(白居易《赋得古原草送别》)

    Luxuriant is the grass upon the plain , | that each year dies to flourish again .

  2. 天生丽质难自弃,一朝选在君王侧。(白居易《长恨歌》)

    Too fairly formed for loneliness , one day she stood selected for the monarch 's side .

  3. 千呼万唤始出来,犹抱琵琶半遮面。(白居易《琵琶行》)

    Only after a thousand entreaties does she appear , her face half hidden behind the pipa in her arms .

  4. 自叙少小时欢乐事,今漂沦憔悴,转徙于江湖间。(白居易《琵琶行》)

    She told me of the pleasures of her youth and said now that her beauty had faded she was drifting from place to place by rivers and lakes .

  5. 《草堂记》与白居易的园林意象

    The Garden Image of Bai Juyi from his Cao Tang Ji

  6. 白居易诗道崩坏论

    Bai Juyi 's View of the Collapse of Poetic Principles Poetry

  7. 论白居易两京时期山水诗

    On Bai Juyi 's Landscape Poetry in Two Capitals Particular Periods

  8. 50年白居易研究著作述评

    The appraisal of fifty-five years research works on BAI Ju-yi

  9. 白居易则因其能够保全自身在道德表现上则予以肯定。

    Bai Juyi was approved for he could maintain his own morality .

  10. 本篇论文主要是研究白居易的讽谕诗。

    This essay mainly analyses the critical poems of Pak Toi Yick .

  11. 论白居易对诗歌功能的体认

    On Bai Juyi 's perception of the functions of poetry

  12. 中国古典诗学批评中的白居易论

    The Controversy on Bai Ju-yi 's Poems Classical Poetical Criticism of China

  13. 白居易生存哲学简论

    A Brief Discussion of Bai Juyi 's Philosophy of Existence

  14. 第一道堤由诗人白居易于821年所建。

    The first dike was built in AD821 by the poet Bai Juyi .

  15. 第三,韦利与白居易其人之共鸣。

    Thirdly , there are several similarities between Arthur Waley and Bai Juyi .

  16. 论白居易《百道判》的思想价值

    A Discussion on the Ideological Value of Bai Juyi 's Bai Dao Pan

  17. 论白居易《长恨歌》的悲剧形式与范式

    Tragedy Pattern and Model in The Song of Lasting Regret by Bai Juyi

  18. 即选入的元稹诗歌数量和所占比重都没有白居易大。

    Bai Juyi took up more proportions of the quantity and selected poetry .

  19. 白居易闲适诗中的知足心

    On the Contented Spirit in BAI Ju-yi 's Poems

  20. 白居易诗歌意象对日本文学影响深远,平安时期菅原道真的诗歌创作均明显受白居易诗歌的影响。

    The poem images of Bai Juyi had a profound effects on Japanese literature .

  21. 白居易山水诗研究

    The Research of Bai Juyi 's Landscape Poems

  22. 白居易的园林艺术法则初论

    On Baijuyi ′ s Principles of Gardening Art

  23. 白居易效陶诗心路历程溯源

    Tracing the Mental History of Bai Juyi in his Poems after the Tao Style

  24. 白居易的造园活动及其园林思想&兼论洛阳履道坊白氏故里园

    Bai Juyi 's Activities and Thoughts on Gardening

  25. 这首诗是诗人白居易参加科举考试时的习作。

    This poem was composed by Bai Juyi when he attended the imperial examination .

  26. 闲适诗在白居易诗歌中的地位及产生的原因

    The Status of and the Causative Factors for the Leisure Poems by Bai Juyi

  27. 白居易散文研究

    A Study on Bai Juyi 's Prose

  28. 《文心雕龙》与白居易的文学思想

    On the Relations between Wen Xin Diao Long and the Literature Thoughts of Bai Juyi

  29. 略论白居易的家园意识

    On the Hometown Consciousness of Bai Ju-yi

  30. 唐代著名诗人白居易,担任过杭州刺史。

    Bai Juyi , the Tang poet mentioned earlier , was once governor of Hangzhou .