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bái yào
  • baiyao;White Drug-Powder
白药 [bái yào]
  • [Baiyao;White Drug-Powder] 中药成药,由三七及其他药味研成的一种白色粉末。能治出血疾患、跌打损伤等。以云南出产的为最著名

白药[bái yào]
  1. 现在,越来越多的中国内地人用云南白药(YunnanBaiyao)牙膏刷牙,吃伊利(Yili)冰淇淋,或者给婴儿使用恒安(Hengan)纸尿裤。

    More and more mainlanders are brushing their teeth with Yunnan Baiyao toothpaste , eating Yili ice cream or putting nappies made by Hengan on their babies .

  2. 云南白药对实验性牙周炎及实验性糖尿病牙周炎的影响

    The Effect of Yunnan BaiYao on Experimental Diabetic Periodontitis in Rats

  3. 结果微米大黄炭能显著缩短胃壁组织平均出血时间和局部出血时间,与云南白药组比较,微米大黄炭组和NA盐水组平均出血时间显著缩短(P<0.01,P<0.05);

    Results : Micron rhubarb charcoal could shorten the average bleeding time of gastric tissue and local bleeding time ( p < 0.01 ) .

  4. 中药重楼和云南白药中抗肿瘤细胞毒活性物质Gracillin的测定

    Determination of Anti tumor Cytotoxic Active Substance Gracillin in Rhizoma Paridis and Yunnan White

  5. 目的探讨小剂量柳氮磺胺吡啶(SASP)口服、丹参注射液静滴联合六神丸、云南白药保留灌肠治疗活动期轻中度溃疡性结肠炎的临床疗效。

    Objective To approach the clinical therapeutic effects on light or mid-range ulcerative colitis by small dose sulfasalazine ( SASP ), Danshen root injection , association with Liushen pill .

  6. RAPD标记和ITS序列分析表明,谷精草属植物种间以及白药谷精草E.cinereumR.Brown种内都具有丰富的遗传多样性;

    The analysis of RAPD molecular marker and ITS Sequences indicated that there was extensive genetic diversity in the species of E. cinereum R. Brown , and among the species of Eriocaulon .

  7. 结论:RET,尤其是HFR是反映肿瘤化疗中骨髓受抑制和开始恢复的较敏感指标,可用于指导临床抗肿瘤药物治疗时升白药的应用时机。

    CONCLUSION : RET , especially HFR , is the sensitive indicator to reflect the beginning of marrow function inhibition and recovery , which can be used to guide doctors using G-SF or GM-SF timely when treating tumor by chemicals .

  8. 结论:穴位封闭配合口服升白药治疗抗甲状腺药所致白细胞减少症,疗效明显高于单纯口服升白药者,与应用GCSF疗效相近。

    Conclusions : The curative effects of point block combined with medicine of raising leukocyte taken orally on leukopenia induced by antithyroid preparation are significantly higher than those treated with medicine of raising leukocyte alone but similar to those treated with GCSF .

  9. 庆大霉素加云南白药灌肠治疗化脓性肠炎

    Gentamicin Enema Combined with Yunnan Baiyao in Treatment of Suppurative Enteritis

  10. 云南白药治疗药物流产后出血的临床观察

    Clinical Observation on Bleeding after Drug Abortion Treated with Yunnan Baiyao

  11. 单位:云南白药集团天然药物研究院。

    SETTING : Institute of Natural Drug of Yunnan Baiyao Group .

  12. 云南白药在鼻内窥镜术围手术期止血的疗效

    Effect of Yunnan Baiyao on stypticity in perioperative period of nasal endoscopy

  13. 云南白药外敷治疗带状疱疹

    External Application of " Yunnan Baiyao " for Herpes Zoster

  14. 云南白药对体外震波碎石术后肾功能的保护作用

    Protection of Renal Function from Damage Due to ESWL by Yunnan Baiyao

  15. 云南白药通过资本运作增强核心竞争力的实证分析

    An Empirical Study of Enhancing Core Competitiveness by Means of Capital Operation

  16. 云南白药联合微波治疗宫颈糜烂疗效观察

    Observation on Efficacy of Yunnan White Combined with Microwave on Cervical Erosion

  17. 云南白药促进骨缺损修复及引导性骨再生的实验研究

    The Effects of Yunnan Baiyao on Bone Defects Healing and Guided Bone Regeneration

  18. 酚妥拉明联合云南白药治疗咯血48例临床观察

    Clinical effect of phentolamine adding Yunnan White for the 48 patients with emptysis

  19. 云南白药对血小板活化的研究

    Study the influence of Yunnan Paiyao on platelet activating

  20. 云南白药胶囊治疗重度子痫前期毛细血管渗漏综合征

    Effect of Yunnan Baiyao Powder Capsule on Capillary Leak Syndrome of Severe Preeclampsia

  21. 云南白药敷脐治疗婴幼儿腹泻及护理

    Curing and Nursing of Babies ' Diarrhea with Yunnan Baiyao Applied on Navel

  22. 云南白药和冰牛奶治疗消化道应激性溃疡40例

    Treating 40 Cases of Digestive Tract Stress-ulcer with Yunnan Baiyao and Refrigerated Milk

  23. 云南白药对血小板的释放与代谢反应的影响

    Changes of Platelet Release and Metabolic Reaction after Administration of Yunnan Baiyao Capsules

  24. 云南白药对实验性糖尿病牙周炎大鼠的临床及代谢组学研究

    The clinical and metabonomics study of Yunnan Baiyao on experimental diabetic periodontitis rats

  25. 云南白药修复犬牙实验性髓室底穿孔的组织学研究

    Histological Study on Repairing Experimental Pulp Chamber Floor Perforations with Yunnan Bai-Yao in Dog

  26. 归白药膜治疗黄褐斑、痤疮222例临床观察

    Clinical Observation on 222 cases with chloasma or Acne Treated by Gui-bai Yao Mo

  27. 白药贴膏外敷治疗急性闭合性软组织损伤的临床研究

    Clinical Study of Baiyao Trapping Treating Acute Closed Soft Tissue Injury by External Application

  28. 云南白药合剂防治放射性食管炎的临床观察

    Clinical study on White Drug powder mixture used to prevent and treat radiation esophagitis

  29. 预防性应用云南白药对减少隆乳手术出血的效果研究

    Study on Reducing Bleeding Effects of Prophylactic Application of Yunnan Baiyao in Breast Augmentation Operation

  30. 云南白药合电子热磁理疗仪治疗腰肌劳损的临床研究

    Clinical Research into Yunnan Baiyao Combined with Electronic Thermomagnetic Physiotherapy Instrument to Treat Psoatic Strain