
bái cài
  • Chinese cabbage;pak choi
白菜 [bái cài]
  • [Chinese cabbage] 青菜(小白菜) (Brassica pekinensis )和白菜(大白菜)( B.chinensis )的任何一种,广泛用作蔬菜,大白菜的叶宽,形成伸长而淡绿色的紧密头,小白菜的叶深绿色,形成疏松的牛皮菜状的头

白菜[bái cài]
  1. 他们经常一次买一半白菜、两个土豆和半斤牛肉。

    It is normal for them to buy half of a Chinese cabbage , two potatoes and 0.25 kilograms of beef at a time .

  2. 大白菜发生软腐病的伤口种类调查

    The Type of wound inducing soft Rot of chinese cabbage

  3. 今天夜里有霜冻,别忘了用席子把白菜苫好。

    We shall have frost tonight , don 't forget to cover up the cabbages with the mat .

  4. 别让白菜冻坏了。

    We mustn 't let the cabbages be damaged by frost .

  5. 我们种多种农作物,包括白菜、小麦和大麦。

    We grow a variety of crops , including cabbages , wheat and barley .

  6. 他买了十个煎包儿,里边全是白菜帮子,外边又“皮”又牙碜。

    So he bought ten gritty , underdone fried rolls stuffed with thick cabbage leaves .

  7. 扣碗牛肉SteamedBeefinCasserole辣白菜炒牛肉SautéedBeefwithSpicyCabbage

    Saut é ed Shredded Beef with Hot Pepper and Celery

  8. 西红柿茬口壮,种白菜挺合适。

    A crop of tomatoes enriches the soil and makes It'suitable for growing cabbage .

  9. 最近在北京举行的迷笛音乐节上,有照片拍到一群年轻人在遛白菜。

    A group of youths were recently photographed walking cabbages at a music festival named the Midi Music Festival in the Chinese capital Beijing .

  10. 最近,通过遛白菜来排遣寂寞成为他们结交新朋友的一种方式,遛白菜的年轻人之间可以用白菜来挑起话题。

    And the sight of them out ' walking ' the cabbages in a bid pets as a way to start up conversations with each other .

  11. 17岁的陈璐佳(音译)是其中之一,她说:“我觉得自己的负面情绪可以转移到白菜上,遛着白菜走一圈再回家让我感觉好多了。”

    Lui Ja Chen , 17 , and one of the cabbage walking youths , said : " I feel I can transfer my negative thoughts about myself to the cabbage , go for a walk with it and come home feeling better about myself .

  12. 化肥对大白菜维生素C及硝态氮含量的影响

    Effect of Chemical Fertilizers to Content of Vitamin C and Nitrate Nitrogen on Cabbage

  13. 白菜DNA甲基化水平的反相离子对高效液相色谱法研究

    RP ion-pair HPLC determination of methylation level of DNA of Chinese Cabbage

  14. 小白菜品种的随机扩增多态DNA分析

    Random amplified polymorphic DNA analysis of varieties of Brassica campestris

  15. 大白菜线粒体DNA有效、快速提取方法

    An Effective and Quick Protocol for Mitochondrial DNA Extraction from Chinese Cabbage

  16. 同工酶PAGE凝胶电泳在大白菜品种鉴定中的应用研究

    Study on Chinese Cabbage Cultivars Identification by Isozyme PAGE Patterns

  17. 大白菜花药培养中花粉早期DNA的合成

    DNA Synthesis in Pollen during the Initial Period of Anther Culture in Brassic pekinensis

  18. 摸索了大白菜DNA的提取方法。

    The method of DNA extraction was explored .

  19. 结果表明,不结球白菜不同品种在Cu处理下有很大差异。

    The result showed that there was difference between different varieties .

  20. 植物激活蛋白能提高白菜叶片中粗蛋白、可溶性糖和维生素C含量,其中0.80g。

    Activator increased the content of rude protein and soluble sugar and Vitamin C in cabbage leaves , and 0.8g .

  21. 转pinⅡ基因白菜的遗传分析及小菜蛾抗性鉴定

    Genetic Analysis and Insect Assay of pin I Transgenic Chinese cabbage

  22. 小白菜对镉、铅、锌的吸收均与土壤pH值呈显著负相关。

    The uptake of Cd , Pb and Zn by Brassica chinensis was significantly correlated with soil pH.

  23. 为实验材料,以Na2SeO3为硒源,通过水培方式,研究了不同硒浓度对菠菜、小白菜生长和养分吸收的影响;

    As materials , using sodium selenite as selenium source .

  24. Cd胁迫对白菜生理特征及元素吸收的影响研究

    Physiological Characteristic and Uptake of Cd , Nutritious Elements in Cabbage Grown on Cd-contaminated Soils

  25. 利用RNA指纹技术分析大白菜胞质雄性不育相关基因的差异表达

    RNA Fingerprinting of the Differential Expression Fragments Related to Cytoplasmic Male Sterility in Chinese Cabbage

  26. 不结球白菜硝酸还原酶基因cDNA的克隆及序列分析

    Cloning and sequence analysis of nitrate reductase gene cDNA fragments from non-heading Chinese cabbage

  27. 盆栽试验中,大白菜地上、地下部生物量在对照和加Cd处理品种间无显著差异。

    In pot experiment , the ground and underground biomass have no significant differences between treatment varieties .

  28. RAPD法分析鉴定大白菜的亲缘关系

    To Analyze and Determine the Relationship Among Chinese Cabbages by RAPD Method

  29. 几种改良剂对Cd和Pb污染土壤小白菜生长的影响

    Effects of Several Modifiers on the Growth of Non-heading Chinese Cabbage in Cadmium and Lead Contaminated Soil

  30. 固相抗体直接竞争ELISA法测定小白菜和苹果中的甲萘威残留

    The Residue of Carbaryl in Brassica chinensis and Apple Determined by Method of Antibody-Immobilized Direct Competitive ELISA