
  1. 从工程地质与水文地质分析出发,揭示白衣庵古滑坡的解体演化规律和发展趋势。

    At the aspects of engineering geology and hydrogeology analysis , the disintegration evolution and development trends of the landslide are revealed .

  2. 以三峡库区白衣庵滑坡为例,通过对多年降雨资料的概率分析和多种库水位调控的方案选择,建立了相应的降雨分析模型和库水位调控模型。

    According to precipitation data from year 1957 to 1988 in Fengjie County in the Three Gorges reservoir area , the probability analysis is conducted by using the extreme distribution and the related rainfall model is developed .