
  • 网络cream sauce;white sauce;bechamel sauce;bechamel;alfredo
  1. (我们提供白酱与蕃茄酱汁的义大利面。)我种大豆、红豆和白豆。

    We serve pasta with cream sauce as well as tomato sauce . I grow soybeans , red beans , and white beans .

  2. 马铃薯和法式白酱加上口感浓郁的瑞卡达起司。

    Ricotta cheese in cream sauce with the thinly sliced potato .

  3. 白酱花园蔬菜和芥末马铃薯泥

    served with a root vegetable foulon and wasabi whipped potatoes.And finally ...

  4. 不加番茄的“阿马特里西白酱”,被唤作格里西酱(gricia),在如今的罗马人菜单上仍能找到;

    A tomato-free " white amatriciana , " known as gricia , can still be found on Roman menus ;

  5. 她往点心里注入了黄橙橙的奇多,轻轻撒上奇多粉,就连白巧克力酱里也加了奇多粉。

    She creates a day-glo orange Cheetos-infused cookie , lightly dusted with Cheetos dust . Adding insult to injury , the white chocolate ganache filling is also infused with , you guessed it , Cheetos dust .

  6. 有些是个人的混合,而大多数包括酱油,醋,辣椒,有的人想打败一个新鲜鸡蛋,或只是白到酱。

    Some are personal concoctions ; while most consist of soy sauce , vinegar , and hot pepper , some people like to beat a fresh egg , or just the white of it , into the sauce .

  7. 世界上大部分的大白鳇鱼子酱产于苏联和伊朗。

    Much of the beluga caviar existent in the world is found in the Soviet Union and iran .

  8. 什锦生菜、蟹肉、章鱼、虾仁、花枝、洋葱、红萝卜、甜椒。佐白酒香草酱。

    Lettuce , crabmeat , octopus , shrimp , cuttlefish , onion , carrot and sweet pepper , with white wine and estragon sauce seasoning .

  9. 考虑食物的质感:麦奎兰女士建议,如果孩子只喜欢白面包、花生酱和煎饼这样的食物,那么就给他做质感柔和的蔬菜吃,比如混合胡萝卜泥的土豆泥等。

    Think about texture : For a child who liked only white bread , peanut butter and pancakes , Ms. McQuillan suggested serving vegetables with soft textures , such as a mashed potato pur é e mixed with carrot pur é e.