
  1. 白雪皇后第一个故事:关于一面镜子和它的碎片??

    THE SNOW QUEEN FIRST STORY . Which Treats of a Mirror and of the Splinters

  2. 她就是白雪皇后。??

    It was the Snow Queen .

  3. 白雪皇后的大厅里是空洞的、广阔的和寒冷的。

    vast , cold , and empty were the halls of the Snow Queen .

  4. 当白雪皇后在家的时候,她就坐在这湖的中央。

    In the middle of this lake sat the Snow Queen when she was at home ;

  5. 它们是白雪皇后的前哨兵,而且是奇形怪状的。

    They were the outposts of the Snow Queen . They had the most wondrous shapes ;

  6. 第七个故事:白雪皇后宫殿里发生的事情和结果??

    SEVENTH STORY . What Took Place in the Palace of the Snow Queen , and what Happened Afterward

  7. 他们像做了一场大梦一样,已经把白雪皇后那儿的寒冷和空洞的壮观全忘掉了。

    they both had forgotten the cold empty splendor of the Snow Queen , as though it had been a dream .

  8. 白雪皇后这时尽可以回到家里来,但是他的解放的字据已经亮晶晶地印在冰块上。

    The Snow Queen might come back as soon as she liked ; there stood his discharge written in resplendent masses of ice .

  9. 白雪皇后又把加伊吻了一下。从此他完全忘记了小小的格尔达、祖母和家里所有的人。

    The Snow Queen kissed Kay once more , and then he forgot little Gerda , grandmother , and all whom he had left at his home .

  10. 安琪儿抚摸着她的手和脚,于是她就不那么感到寒冷了。她匆忙地向白雪皇后的宫殿前进。

    The angels patted her hands and feet ; and then she felt the cold less , and went on quickly towards the palace of the Snow Queen .

  11. 于是白雪皇后就说:??“如果你能拼出这个图案的话,那么你就是你自己的主人了。我将给你整个世界和一双新冰鞋,作为礼物。”??可是他拼不出来。

    and the Snow Queen had said , " If you can discover that figure , you shall be your own master , and I will make you a present of the whole world and a pair of new skates . " But he could not find it out .

  12. 当他们因为疲乏而躺下来的时候,两人就恰恰形成一个字的图案——白雪皇后曾经说过,如果他能拼出这个图案,他就成为他自己的主人,同时她也将给他整个世界和一双新冰靴。

    and when they were tired and laid themselves down , they formed exactly the letters which the Snow Queen had told him to find out ; so now he was his own master , and he would have the whole world and a pair of new skates into the bargain .