
bái mǎ wánɡ zǐ
  • Prince Charming;prince on a white horse—Prince Charming
白马王子 [bái mǎ wáng zǐ]
  • [the ideal lover in young girl's mind] 比喻少女心目中理想的恋人

  1. 她承认找不到自己的白马王子。

    She confesses to having trouble finding Mr Right .

  2. 首先,他是一个白马王子。

    To begin with he was Prince Charming .

  3. 因此我的白马王子,JohnMaeda,

    So my knight in shining armor , John Maeda ,

  4. 觉得raul是她的白马王子。

    Thinks raul 's her prince charming .

  5. 类似的,一些超级孔雀的哥特男对其他的哥特女来说具有很高的价值,但是对于大学校园内期待白马王子的MM来说,他们更象是一群怪人。

    Similarly , some super peacocked goth dude has a lot of value to other goth chicks , but to a college party chick looking for a crazy frat boy , the goth dude is just some lame ass weirdo .

  6. 白马王子要举办一个舞会来选他的新娘!

    Prince Charming is having a ball to find his bride !

  7. 谁会不喜欢白马王子呢?

    Who doesn 't like the idea of a prince charming ?

  8. 亲爱的请你护送年轻的白马王子回城

    Darling , please escort young prince charming here back into town

  9. 也没有白马王子出现拯救她。

    Her ride didn 't show up to take her home .

  10. 你是不是已经24岁并且嫁给心中的白马王子了?

    Twenty-four and already married to the man of your dreams ?

  11. 她们要白马王子,双腿完好。

    They want Prince charming , who has two good legs .

  12. 我希望自己未来的白马王子也具备这样的个性。

    I hope my future prince charming has such a personality .

  13. 白马王子怪不得我要喝那魔药

    Charming ? Beginning to see why I drank that potion .

  14. 我真希望能早点找到我的白马王子。

    I really hope to find my prince charming soon .

  15. 就理论上来说,他还不是我的白马王子。

    Technically speaking , he is not my prince charming .

  16. 所以我今晚可能碰到我的白马王子。

    So maybe I 'll meet my prince charming tonight .

  17. 我经常梦想心中理想的白马王子。

    I had often been dreaming my ideal prince charming .

  18. 白马王子:你,你不能说谎!

    Prince Charming : You ! You can 't lie !

  19. 她终于找到她梦中的白马王子。

    She 's finally found the prince of her dreams .

  20. 第二位美女江艳与自己的异国白马王子在中国结为伉俪。

    The second Beauty Jiang Yan married her exotic prince in China .

  21. 哦,那是全镇的白马王子。

    Oh , that right there is a total Town Golden boy .

  22. 呃,照你这么说,你是白马王子?

    Concierge : Uh , and you 're prince charming ?

  23. 采取猎头的策略来寻找白马王子吧。

    Take a headhunting approach to finding your soul mate .

  24. 不知道我什么时候才能遇到梦中的白马王子呀!

    I guess we 'll be seeing a lot of each other .

  25. 圣诞老人,牙仙,白马王子。

    Santa Claus , the tooth fairy , prince charming .

  26. 这个青年大可以称为我们电影界中的白马王子。

    The young man could be called the Apollo of our filmdom .

  27. 不相信他是白马王子吗当然不信

    That he 's Prince Charming ? Of course not .

  28. 你是睡公主,白马王子出现。

    Like you 're sleeping beauty and along comes this prince charming .

  29. 就因为我是白雪公主和白马王子的女儿

    Because I 'm the daughter of Snow White and Prince Charming .

  30. 你认为广告上的人会是你的白马王子?

    You think that the guy from add is your prince charming ?