
  1. 常言道:百字练一字,千字合一句。

    As the saying goes : a hundred words to practice the word , a thousand words together .

  2. 卜辞一篇约四五十字,最长的有百字左右。

    A piece of it is about forty or fifty words , the longest a hundred words or also .

  3. 感谢弟子昌旺将拙书的百字明咒作成供实修用的咒轮。

    Thanks to Disciple Chang Wang for arranging my calligraphy of the Hundred-Syllable Mantra into a mantra wheel for practice .

  4. 总之,利用以上算法得到的印刷体汉字识别系统的汉字平均识别率达到95%,平均识别速度为6s/每百字。

    In one word , it achieves a recognition rate of 95 % and a speed of 6s for one hundred Chinese characters using a printed Chinese character recognition system based on above algorithms .

  5. 爱斯基摩人发明了上百个字,来形容“雪”,我们有比他们多三倍的字来形容“感情”

    The Eskimo have hundreds of words for " snow . " And we 've invented three times that many words for " relationship . "

  6. 当百宝箱的字越来越多时,我把它们分成名词和动词。

    As it grew I divided it into nouns and verbs .

  7. 百个寿字以百种写法被精心雕于石上,祈愿健康长寿。

    A hundred longevity in100 words actually be meticulously carved in stone , wishes for health and longevity .