
  • 网络Queen's Pier;Queens Wharf;Queen Quay
  1. 皇后码头昨日被评为一级历史建筑物。

    Queen 's pier was given grade I historic building status yesterday .

  2. 他们要拆皇后码头。

    They will demolish the queen 's pier .

  3. 公众参与公共性遗产资源保护的影响因素分析&中国香港保留皇后码头事件透视

    An Analysis of Influencing Factors Concerning Public Participation in Common Heritage Resource Conservation & A Perspective of Conservation Event of Queen 's Pier in Hongkong , China

  4. 这句没译出来,作者是说,虽然位于中环的皇后码头要拆了,但维多丽亚皇后的塑像却还耸立在以她的名字命名的公园(即简称维园的维多丽亚公园)里。

    And while her Pier on the Central waterfront may be slated for demolition , the statue of Queen Victoria still sits unperturbed in the park that bears her name .

  5. 去年为了港口发展计划,香港政府拆除了著名的天星码头与皇后码头。两处码头皆为英国政府当年登陆香港之地。

    Last year the Hong Kong government demolished the famed Star Ferry terminal and Queen 's Pier , where British royalty used to step onto the territory , in favor of a harbor development plan .