
huánɡ jiā tè xǔ zhuànɡ
  • royal warrant
  1. 这一条款将会被包含在BBC的下一份皇家特许状草案当中。

    The clause will be included in a draft of the BBC 's next Royal Charter .

  2. (根据持有皇家特许状的专业协会的规章)合格的

    Qualified according to the rules of a professional association which has a royal charter

  3. 英国广播公司有皇家特许状。

    The BBC has a royal charter .

  4. 一张皇家的特许状,使马萨诸塞州殖民地免受英王直接干涉

    A royal charter exempted the Massachusetts colony from direct interference by the Crown