
  • 网络Piccadilly;Piccadilly Circus;Picadilly
  1. 这房子里整个上午都忙乱得像皮卡迪利广场。

    It 's been like Piccadilly Circus in this house all morning .

  2. 我就可以留在皮卡迪利线上,然后在南肯辛顿站下地铁。

    I would be able to stay on the Piccadilly Line and get off the tube at South Kensington .

  3. 这是一家非常体面的“老式”旅馆,坐落在离皮卡迪利广场不远的地方。

    It was a highly respectable and what was called an ' old-fashioned ' hotel situated not far from Piccadilly .

  4. 最棒的书屋当属位于皮卡迪利的Hatchard’s(始建于1797年);

    The posh bookshop was Hatchard 's in Piccadilly ( established 1797 ) ;

  5. 哈查兹书店(Hatchards)始建于1797年,是伦敦最古老的书店,距离皮卡迪利广场只有几步之遥。不远处就是购买奢华糖果的绝佳去处福特楠梅森百货(Fortnum&Mason),真是便利。

    Hatchards , founded in 1797 , is the oldest bookshop in London , a short stroll off Piccadilly Circus , and conveniently close to Fortnum & Mason , one of the best venues for extortionate , fancifully packaged treats .

  6. 伦敦出租车公司的中国东家吉利(Geely)希望下一代哈克尼(Hackney)出租车能扭转这种印象。新款车型为铝制车身电动车,拥有足够从伦敦皮卡迪利圆环(PiccadillyCircus)跑到曼彻斯特皮卡迪利火车站的电池续航能力。

    Geely , the Chinese owner of the London Taxi Company , wants the next-generation Hackney cab to turn that perception round by introducing electric taxis with aluminium bodies that will have sufficient battery power to travel from Piccadilly Circus to Piccadilly railway station in Manchester .

  7. 就像伦敦的皮卡迪利大街或纽约的时代广场一样。

    Like Piccadilly Circus in London or Times Square in New York .

  8. 我走这条路去皮卡迪利广场对吗?

    Am I on the right road to Piccadilly circus ?

  9. 你最后是怎么找到皮卡迪利广场的?

    How did you finally make your way down here to Piccadilly circus ?

  10. 皮卡迪利大街附近的一条著名拱廊街道上,几家高档的商店刚刚开始营业。

    The expensive shops in a famous arcade near Piccadilly were just opening .

  11. 皮卡迪利广场上带翼的爱神雕像。

    Eros , that winged statue in Piccadilly circus .

  12. 几号巴士去皮卡迪利广场?

    What number of bus goes to Piccadilly circus ?

  13. 如果你喜欢寿司,那么得离开皮卡迪利广场。往西南方向沿着干草市场朝圣詹姆斯公园走。

    But where to eat ? If you like sushi , leave Piccadilly Circus .

  14. 10.英国伦敦的皮卡迪利广场

    10 . Piccadilly Circus , London , UK

  15. 我能在皮卡迪利大街买到这些吗?

    Can I get those near Piccadilly ?

  16. 皮卡迪利广场上最醒目之物是广场中心的厄洛斯爱神像。

    The most striking thing about Piccadilly Circus is the statue of Eros in the centre .

  17. 我现在在皮卡迪利大街,这是通过曼彻斯特市中心的主要街道。

    I 'm currently at Piccadilly , which is the main street through Manchester city centre .

  18. 到皮卡迪利站附近

    To somewhere near Piccadilly Station .

  19. 这里是皮卡迪利广场和它的希腊爱神爱洛斯的塑像。

    And this is Piccadilly Circus with its statue of the Greek god of love , Eros .

  20. 皮卡迪利大街沿着伦敦西部蜿蜒徘徊,从海德公园地区一直贯穿到皮卡迪利广场。

    Winding its way through western london , Piccadilly street runs from Hyde Park Circle to Piccadilly circus .

  21. 1973年,她在伦敦的皮卡迪利剧院首次主演了戏剧《我和艾伯特》。

    She made her theatrical debut by starring in I and Albert at London 's Piccadilly Theatre , in1973 .

  22. 没事儿,皮卡迪利大街离我去的地方不远,我送你到那儿去。

    It 's all right , piccadilly 's not far out of my way , I 'll take you there .

  23. 皮卡迪利广场是伦敦最著名的地方之一,各条大路汇聚于此。

    This stretch of road , better described as a junction , is one of the most well-known places in London .

  24. 杰明街是连接两条大道之间的一条小街,与处于英国首都城市心脏位置的皮卡迪利大街平行。

    Jermyn Street is a small through way that runs parallel to Piccadilly in the heart of the great English capital city .

  25. 皮卡迪利广场受到许多来自英国的游客的欢迎,这里有许多举世闻名的夜总会、剧院和纪念馆。

    Popular among visitors to the UK , Piccadilly Circus is home to nightclubs , theatres , and memorials that are known throughout the world .

  26. 皮卡迪利广场和特拉法加广场也聚集了许多人,除夕是举行盛大宴会和狂欢的时刻。

    There are also large crowds in Piccadilly Circus and Trafalgar Square , and New Year 's Eve is a great occasion for parties and happiness .

  27. 在伦敦成千上万的人拥入市中心来观看牛津街、丽晶街、皮卡迪利大街的圣诞装饰。

    In London thousands of people crowd into the center of the town to see the decorations in Oxford Street , Regent Street , Piccadillyand elsewhere .

  28. 最有名的街头,伦敦的舰队街,东街,皮卡迪利,白厅,波迈,唐宁街,和伦巴第街。

    The best-known streets of London are Fleet Street , the Strand , Piccadilly , Whitehall , Pall Mall , Downing Street , and Lombard Street .

  29. 伦敦从来就不缺乏观光的景点:白金汉宫,皮卡迪利广场,大理石拱门,大本钟,标志性红色双层大巴。

    There is no shortage of tourist staples : Buckingham Palace , Piccadilly Circus , Marble Arch , Big Ben , the iconic red double-decker bus .

  30. 在飞行了10个半小时之后,她克服了时差带来的倦意,立刻就和一位朋友来到位于皮卡迪利大街的沃尔斯利餐厅享用了一顿奢侈的午餐。

    Appearing to have overcome her jetlag after the10 and a half hour flight , the36-year-old joined a friend for lunch at the lavish Wolseley restaurant in Piccadilly .