
pí dài
  • belt;leather belt;leash;girth;leather girdle
皮带 [pí dài]
  • (1) [belt]

  • (2) 用皮革做的带、带状物

  • (3) 传动带的通称

皮带[pí dài]
  1. 基于PLC控制的皮带输送机系统的应用

    Application based on PLC control in the leather belt transport machine

  2. 帕蒂:小姐,我想买根皮带。

    Patty : miss , I 'd like to buy a leather belt .

  3. 皮带面上有一层荧光在黑暗中微微发光。

    The strap has a fluorescent coating that glows in the dark .

  4. 在公共场所所有的狗必须用皮带牵住。

    All dogs must be kept on a leash in public places .

  5. 她把皮带松松地系在腰上。

    She fastened the belt loosely around her waist .

  6. 几条狗用力拽着皮带,急于要去公园。

    The dogs were straining at the leash , eager to get to the park .

  7. 我解开外衣,让他看那条皮带。

    I opened my coat and let him see the belt .

  8. 在公共场所所有的狗都应该用皮带牵住。

    All dogs in public places should be on a leash .

  9. 我穿上厚厚的牛仔裤,系上重重的皮带。

    I rigged myself out in thick jeans and heavy belt

  10. 他的手电筒还别在皮带上。

    His flashlight was still clipped to his belt .

  11. 他肚子上的赘肉堆在皮带上方。

    His gut sagged out over his belt .

  12. 他被用带有饰钉的皮带抽打。

    He was whipped with a studded belt .

  13. 主人打开抽屉拿出牵狗用的皮带时,狗兴奋地叫了起来。

    The dog yelped excitedly when his master opened a desk drawer and produced his leash .

  14. 一个星期天,他开始尝试训练两只小狗系上皮带走路。

    One Sunday he began trying to teach the two puppies to walk on a leash .

  15. 他皮带的搭扣上刻着他的名字。

    His belt has a buckle with his name engraved on it .

  16. 她帮他解开皮带。

    She helps him loosen his belt .

  17. 他的皮带上的钩子已经坏了,所以不得不用手拉起裤子来。

    The clasp on his belt had broken , so he had to hold his trousers up .

  18. 斗轮堆取料机、皮带机等项目配套

    Bucket wheel stacker-reclaimer , belt drive and other projects supporting .

  19. 狗拼命地扯拉皮带,想挣脱开去。

    The dog strains at the leash , eager to be off .

  20. 这种皮带式比基尼在泳衣的后部提供了可以想像的最少的覆盖

    The thong bikini offered the scantiest coverage yet imagined in the rear of the suit .

  21. 组合夹具CAD快速拆装式皮带轮

    Modular Fixture CAD Rapid Dismounting and Assembling Lether Belt Wheel

  22. 钣制皮带轮旋压机的液压PC控制

    Hydraulic PC control of the slab pulley spinning machine

  23. 摩托车V型皮带无级变速器设计研究

    Study on Design of Rubber V-Belt CVT in Motorcycle

  24. 皮带运输机的PLC控制系统设计

    Design of PLC control system of belt conveyor

  25. 皮带有橡胶、橡塑、PVC、PU等多种材质。

    Belts are rubber , rubber , PVC , PU and other materials .

  26. 马达皮带轮和v形皮带

    Motor pulley and V-belt

  27. 本文介绍由PC总线工控机控制的变频调速皮带秤的原理及其应用方法。

    This article deals with the principle and application of variable frequency and varialbe speed scales based on PC bus computer .

  28. 基于UG的皮带轮参数化结构设计

    Parameterization Structural Design of Belt Pulley Based on UG

  29. ICS型电子皮带秤在烟草制丝线中的应用技术研究

    The Application Research of ICS Weighing Belt on Tobacoo Product Line

  30. 奥迪汽车的一些特色也整合在这款自行车中,例如LED灯、皮带传动、铝制和碳纤维的零件和碟式刹车。

    Audi features are integrated into the cycle including LED lighting , a belt drive , aluminum and carbon fiber components , and disk brakes .