
  • 网络Pitcairn;PITCAIRN ISLAND
  1. 皮特凯恩岛上只有几十人,都是当年英国皇家海军“邦蒂号”上的叛变船员的后裔。

    The Pitcairn Islands have a population of a few dozen people , the descendants of the mutineers from the HMS Bounty .

  2. 最终在几千年后的某一天,皮特凯恩岛上空将会发生日全食,长久以来挂在大英帝国上空的太阳也就终于会落下。

    Eventually-many millennia in the future-an eclipse will come for the island , and the Sun will finally set on the British Empire .

  3. 事实上,在接下去的几千年里皮特凯恩岛上空都不会发生日全食,也就不会终结大英帝国的日不落神话。

    In fact , no total eclipse for the next thousand years will pass over the Pitcairn Islands at the right time of day to end the streak .

  4. 皮特凯恩岛,是孤悬在太平洋中南部的小岛,其近邻分别是西边的甘比尔群岛和塔希提岛,虽然说是距离最近的,但是也相距700多英里。

    Pitcairn Island is a tiny speck of land located nearly dead in the center of the southern Pacific Ocean . Its closest neighbors are the Gambier Islands and Tahiti to the West , but even these are several hundred miles away .

  5. 1789年,慷慨号发生了现在看来具有传奇色彩的叛变:船员迷恋上太平洋岛屿原住民的美好生活,罢免了船长,并且在皮特凯恩群岛附近一个海湾烧毁了船只,定居在皮特凯恩岛上。

    In 1789 , the Bounty was the setting for a now-legendary mutiny , when crewmembers enchanted by the idyllic life of the native Pacific islanders overthrew their commander , burned their ship in a nearby bay , and settled on Pitcairn .