
  • 网络Skin Irritancy Tests;skin irritation
  1. 10种化妆品慢性皮肤刺激试验结果及分析

    Chronic Skin Irritation Test on 10 Kinds of Cosmetics

  2. 因此建议对于长期涂用的化妆品,最好能进行多次皮肤刺激试验,以避免对人体皮肤造成损害。

    It suggested that skin irritation test for long term applied cosmetics should be made many a time to prevent skin lesions .

  3. 负压伤口贴的样品检测包括:性状、尺寸、负压值、pH值、耐热试验、耐寒试验及皮肤刺激试验。

    The sample tests of negative pressure wound glue include : character , size , the value of negative pressure , pH value , heat resistance test , cold test and skin stimulation test .

  4. 方法:根据ISO标准,采用急性全身毒性试验、溶血试验、细胞毒性试验、皮肤刺激试验和口腔粘膜刺激试验对玻璃陶瓷进行评估。

    Methods : five tests were taken up according to ISO standards including acute systemic toxicity test , hemolysis test , cytotoxicity test , dermal stimulation test and oral mucosal membrane stimulation test .

  5. 方法首先将含羟基磷灰石生物陶瓷进行毒性试验,包括全身毒性试验、皮肤刺激试验、溶血试验、Ames试验及细胞毒性试验。

    Methods First , HA-contain bioceramic toxic tests including generalized toxic test , skin stimulation test , hemolytic test , Ames test and cytotoxic test were carried out .

  6. 方法按GB15670-1995农药登记毒理学试验方法对5种有机锡农药进行急性经口、经皮毒性试验,家兔眼刺激试验及家兔急性皮肤刺激试验。

    Five kinds of organotin pesticide were tested by conducting oral toxicity test and acute dermal toxicity test on rats , skin irritation test and eye irritation test were also conducted according to the regulation of GB 15670-1995 methods for pesticide register toxicity test .

  7. 眼及皮肤刺激试验均为轻度刺激性。

    Light irritation to skin and eyes for rabbits was obserbed ;

  8. 结果一次皮肤刺激试验受试皮肤的最高皮肤刺激指数为0.25;

    [ Results ] The highest skin irritation index was 0.25 ;

  9. 结果类人胶原蛋白的急性毒性试验、溶血试验、热原试验、皮肤刺激试验均为阴性。

    Results Human-like collagen presented negative results in those tests .

  10. 多次皮肤刺激试验刺激指数及病理组织检查积分均为0;

    Multiple skin stimulation score and pathological examination score were all zero .

  11. 急性皮肤刺激试验表明:1对皮肤刺激性小于全反式维甲酸(2),而且保持与全反式维甲酸一样的生物活性。

    The acute skin irritation of 1 was less than that of 2 .

  12. 化妆品对皮肤刺激试验的病理分析

    Pathological analysis of irritation of cosmetic to skin

  13. 皮肤刺激试验无红肿反应;

    No red and swollen were observed in the experiment of irritation to skin .

  14. 皮肤刺激试验,对家兔皮肤刺激指数为0,刺激强度级别为无刺激性;

    Skin stimulation test showed that the disinfectant index of stimulation to rabbit skin was zero .

  15. 方法采用多次完整皮肤刺激试验和亚急性毒性试验进行观察。

    Methods Both 14-day epidermis - stimulating test and 30-day feeding test were used to observe SCD subacute toxicity .

  16. 根据皮肤刺激试验、眼刺激试验、皮内刺激试验考察其刺激作用;

    To investigate it 's irritation on skin , eyes and intradermis by tests of patch and intradermic injection ;

  17. 家兔急性皮肤刺激试验,对皮肤的刺激强度属无刺激性。家兔眼刺激试验,对眼的刺激强度属轻度刺激性。

    The pesticide was not irritant to the skin of rabbits and had mild irritation to the eyes by draize test .

  18. [方法]采用急性吸入毒性试验、急性眼刺激试验、急性皮肤刺激试验和皮肤过敏试验进行急性毒性研究。

    Acute inhaling test , acute eye irritating test , skin irritating , and skin allergy toxicity test were carried out in labs .

  19. 急性经口毒性试验采用一次灌胃,急性皮肤刺激试验在家兔皮肤上进行。

    Its acute toxicity was tested by single oral injection , and the acute skin stimulation test was conducted directly on rabbits ' skin .

  20. 通过多次皮肤刺激试验,可见三种类型洗发香波均出现皮肤增厚、变硬等症状。

    Thickened and hardened skin were observed in the tested locations of rabbits'skin treated by any one of tested 3 kinds of shampoo cosmetics in multiple_time skin irritation test .

  21. 方法:急性经口及经皮毒性试验、眼及皮肤刺激试验均按照我国现行《农药登记毒理学试验方法》规定方法进行。

    Methods : All of the tests which include the acute oral and dermal toxicity , eye and skin irritability were based on the " Toxicologicaltest methods of pesticides for registration " .

  22. 为了解一次性使用卫生用品的安全性,对鲁中地区企业生产的一次性使用卫生用品抽样进行了皮肤刺激试验、阴道黏膜刺激试验和皮肤变态反应试验。

    In order to know the sanitary quality of disposable sanitary products produced , sold and used in Beijing , field sampling and laboratory examination method were used to carry out a survey .

  23. 经小鼠、大鼠急性经口毒性试验,小鼠骨髓嗜多染红细胞微核试验,皮肤刺激试验,亚急性毒性试验,表明三氯生低毒、无致微核和刺激作用。

    The oral test of mice and rats , bone marrow in red cell nuclear test of mice , skin irritation test , etc. showed that triclosan is of low poison and no irritation .

  24. 方法:分别用常规方法进行黄体酮药膜的大鼠急性毒性试验、家兔皮肤刺激试验、大鼠阴道局部刺激试验、豚鼠皮肤致敏性试验。

    Methods : Studies on the acute toxicity of SD rats , the irritation on the skin of rabbits , the local irritation of the vagina on rats , and the allergic test on the skin of the guinea pigs were done in the experiment separately by regular methods .

  25. 皮肤刺激性试验表明:CMF对皮肤无致敏性。

    Skin test indicated that CMF has no cutaneous anaphylaxis .

  26. 家兔皮肤刺激性试验结果表明,ATPs对完好皮肤无刺激性,对破损皮肤具有轻度刺激;豚鼠过敏性试验结果显示ATPs无致敏性。

    The results of rabbit skin irritation test and Guinea pig skin allergia test make it certain that ATPs is safe for topical administration .

  27. 方法采用壳聚糖为主要辅料制备涂膜剂,用二喹啉甲酸试剂盒测定制剂中重组干扰素α1b的含量,考察制剂的稳定性,并进行皮肤刺激性试验。

    METHODS : The plastics was prepared with chitosan as the main excipients , the content of INF α 1b was de-termined by di-quinoline methanoic acid kit , the stability of the plastics was determined and its skin irritation test was con-ducted .

  28. AMX-LH-NE的安全性评价通过急性毒性试验、皮肤刺激性试验和乳腺上皮细胞毒性试验,对AMX-LH-NE进行体内外安全性评价。

    Safety evaluation of AMX-LH-NEThe safety of AMX-LH-NE was evaluated in vivo and in vitro by acute toxicity test , skin irritation test and cytotoxic test of mammary epithelial cells .

  29. 抗菌整理布杀菌效果及对皮肤刺激性试验观察

    Experimental observation on germicidal efficacy and skin irritation of antibacterial finished cloth

  30. 健康家兔进行皮肤刺激性试验;

    The skin hypersensitive test was carried out on health guinea pig .