
pén huā
  • potted flower
盆花 [pén huā]
  • [potted flower] 栽培在花盆里的花卉

盆花[pén huā]
  1. 注:切花产量的计量单位是百枝,盆花产量的计量单位是百盆。

    Note : Unitage of Output of cut flowers was100 branch , Unitage of Output of potted flowers was100 basin .

  2. 牡丹产品开发的深度和宽度十分有限,主要集中在观赏牡丹、苗木生产、盆花生产、盆景生产和丹皮生产五个方面。

    The development of peony products is limited in processing depth and variety , especially in the aspects of ornamental peony , nursery stock , potted flowers , miniature garden and barks .

  3. 你别来回摆弄那几盆花了。

    Don 't move those flowerpots back and forth .

  4. 这道菜看上去像一盆花。

    The dish looks like a bonsai flower .

  5. CO2施肥可促进花卉作物的生长发育,增加切花和插穗产量,提高切花和盆花的品质,促进扦插生根;

    The cut flower and cutting production of main floral crops and the quality of potted flowers are both improved , and the root development of cuttings is also influenced by CO 2 enrichment .

  6. 春石斛兰(Dendrobiumnobile)盆花因外观新奇、具有极高观赏价值,是我国年宵盆花中的高端产品。

    Because of the novel extra quality and ornamental value , Dendrobium ( Dendrobium nobile Upin King ' Serenadei ') is the top product of pot planted flowers in china .

  7. 对一品红(EuphorbiapulcherrimaWild.exKlotzsch)盆花的起源、发展历程,生产栽培现状和实际的市场销售情况进行了深入的研究。

    In this paper , the history , development , especially the status quo of potted poinsettia ( Euphorbia pulcherrima Wild . ex Klotzsch ) production , trade , consumption were explored .

  8. 大花蕙兰(Cymbidium)又名虎头兰,是一种观赏价值很高的洋兰,其花朵硕大,枝叶俊秀,深受兰花爱好者的欢迎,也是春节消费的高档盆花。

    Cymbidium hybridum , also known as Cymbidium hookerianum , is a kind of high-value ornamental cattleya . Cymbidium , with its large flowers , straight branches and spindly leaves , is deeply welcomed by Cymbidium enthusiasts and is also regarded as the upmarket potted flower for Spring Festival consumption .

  9. 微型月季组织培养和盆花生产技术研究

    Studies on Mini - Rose Tissue Culture and Pot Plant Production

  10. 植物生长调节剂对梅花盆花培植的影响

    Effect of Plant Growth Regulators on Potted Cultivation of Mei Flower

  11. 仙客来盆花温室规模化生产栽培基质筛选的研究

    Studies on Soilless Substrates Used in Pot Cyclamen Production

  12. 根区加温对一品红生长发育和盆花品质的影响

    Effect of Root-zone Heating on Growth , Development and Visual Quality of Poinsettia

  13. 而且有两盆花在我的窗户上。

    And there are two flowers on my window .

  14. 台阶,盆花,躺椅,生活如此安逸。

    Stairs , flowers , lounge chairs : life here is so serene .

  15. 盆花销售包装结构设计的研究

    Research on Sales Package Structure Design of Potted Flower

  16. 送我的花是盆花,叮嘱我浇水。

    He gives me potted flowers , and reminds me to water them .

  17. 那盆花蔫儿了,叶子都倒垂了下来。

    The potted flower has withered , and the leaves have all drooped .

  18. 采穗对一品红母本苗盆花品质的影响

    The Effect of Harvesting Cuttings on the Pot Flower Quality of Poinsettia mother Plants

  19. 花部性状是盆花仙客来的主要观赏性状,由香气、花色、瓣形与花形等因素构成。

    The features of flower parts are the main ornamental characters of pot cyclamen .

  20. 野花是生活的调味品,而盆花是生活的必需品。

    Wildflowers is the spice of life , and potted a necessity of life .

  21. 7个牡丹盆花品种开放进程及采后品质的观测研究

    Research on the Opening Process and Postharvest Quality of Seven Potted Tree Peony Cultivars

  22. 其次为盆花盆景、绿化用的园林植物、切花。

    Secondly landscape flower , the gardens plant , cuts flowers green are behind it .

  23. 礼品盆花艺栽技术的研究

    Artistic Culture Technique of Gift Pot Flowers

  24. 那盆花在地板上。

    The plant is on the floor .

  25. 一品红盆花质量行业标准及生产技术规程的研究与制定

    Study and Establishment of Technical Regulations for Cultivation and Quality Ministerial Standards of Potted Poinsettia

  26. 我去了趟花市。我买了盆花。

    I have been to the flower market . I bought a pot of flower .

  27. 同时开发栽培、育苗基质、盆花基质及肥料;

    Moreover , novel substrate and fertilizer should be developed for kinds of cultivation methods .

  28. 除非你是为了这盆花而来。

    Unless you came for that plant .

  29. 明天我准备再吃掉一盆花。

    Tomorrow I might eat another houseplant .

  30. 3.你别来回摆弄那几盆花了。例句:欢呼声盖过了他的喊叫声。

    Don 't move those flowerpots back and forth The loud cheers drown out his shouts .