
  1. 年全国女排锦标赛第1次试用“盘局制”规则。

    The special rule ( round rule ) was first applied in the1998 national women 's volleyball championship .

  2. 尽管马卡洛娃依靠犀利的防守反击以及莎娃的双误破掉了对手的发球胜盘局,但莎娃还是在关键的第十局再度破发得手,把首盘的比分定格在6-4。

    The 24-year-old also took advantage on Makarova 's weakness from the backhand side . Sharapova took charge midway through the first set , and she finished it with a 6-4 count .

  3. 卫冕冠军第二盘的发球局保得很轻松。

    The defending champion did not struggle on any of his service games in the second set .

  4. 扬科维奇仍然在第二盘开始几局存有优势,但是杂耍似的的网球不等同于大满贯上的成功。

    Jankovic still had the edge in the early games of the second set , but sideshow tennis doesn 't equate to grand slam success .

  5. 她在第一盘自己的发球局仅失了3分。

    She conceded just three points on her service during the first set .

  6. 我该准备奶酪盘,恭候国税局大驾光临了吗

    Should I just put the cheese plate out for the IRS now ?

  7. 达勒姆已经在调查之前总共92盘记录中央情报局审讯犯人的录像带被销毁的事件,这是2008年初布什政府时期所进行调查的一部分。

    Mr. Durham is already examining the destruction of 92 videotapes that recorded certain Central Intelligence Agency interrogations of detainees , part of an investigation launched in early 2008 under the Bush administration .

  8. 三盘棋有两盘是和局。

    Two of the three chess games ended in draws .

  9. 在盘末关键分的争夺中,马卡洛娃曾在第十一局破发后获得发球胜盘局的机会,但莎娃关键时刻再次显示霸气,取得回破后最终在抢七中以7-3笑到了最后。

    The second set was tied at 6-6 when Markarova began to miss her shots . She eventually fell 7-3 in the tiebreak , Sharapova marches on .