
pán piàn
  • disc;disk
盘片[pán piàn]
  1. DVD光盘盘片质量标准参数的研究

    Study on parameters of the standard on DVD disc 's quality

  2. 该系统可有效防止对DVD盘片的非法拷贝。

    The system can effectively prevent illegal copy of DVD disc .

  3. 基于图像矩的LED芯片和盘片倾斜矫正

    LED Chip and Chip Plate Tilt Correction Based on Image Moments

  4. 介绍了一个基于Internet和局域网的无纸无盘片化的计算机考试系统。

    An internet-and-Network based Test System ( INTS ) without lost paper and floppy disk is introduced here .

  5. ABS的飞行,使滑块几乎平行于盘片的表面。

    ABS makes slider fly almost parallel to the platter 's surface .

  6. 内容加扰系统(ContentScramblingSystem)是一种防止直接从DVD盘片上复制文件的数据加密和认证方案。

    Content Scrambling System ( CSS ) is a kind of data encryption and authentication technique which prevent the unauthorized copy of disc contents .

  7. 分析了DVDRAM盘片预刻槽深度与循规误差信号受径向倾斜影响偏移量的关系。实验结果较好的验证了计算和结论。

    Finally relationship between groove depth and tracking error signal offset of DVD-RAM disc is analyzed .

  8. 在“选择盘片格式”屏幕上,单击“dvd幻灯片”,然后单击“下一步”。

    On the select disc format screen , click DVD slide show , and then click next .

  9. 它基于普通DVD盘片生产设备和读出光学头,具有独特的物理格式。

    It is based on conventional DVD production equipment and readout optical pick-up , and it has exclusive physical format .

  10. 为了实现高密度存储,DVD盘片使用波长为650/635nm的激光且物镜NA应大于0.6。

    In order to reach high density of storage , DVD adopts 635 / 650nm wavelength and more than 0.6 NA of objective lens .

  11. 传统的车载CD机、卡带机,相比其在震动、磨损以及盘片成本等方面的固有缺陷,车载MP3的出现,无疑是一场根本性的变革。

    Different from defectiveness of traditional car carried CD and tape record in shockproof and wearability , car carried MP3 is undoubtfully an ultimate revolution .

  12. 分析了DVD盘片读取系统并以此确定衡量盘片质量基本参数。

    In the paper , the readout system of DVD driver is analyzed and the basic quality parameters of DVD disc are determined .

  13. 注意,您必须在噪声相对较少的环境中运行此程序,因此请插入耳机并确保CD驱动器盘片停止旋转。

    Note that you will have to be running this program in a relatively noise-free environment , so plug in your headphones and make sure your CD drive is spun down .

  14. 无纸无盘片化的INTS考核系统

    INTS Test System Without Test Paper and Floppy Disk

  15. CD-R盘片生产的质量检测与控制

    Test Method and Quality Control in CD R Production

  16. 为了能与CD类光盘兼容,DVD播放器/驱动器中除了要有完成CD类盘片的解码电路外,其光学头也需能同时读取CD盘片。

    Beside the CD decoder circuit is needed , a DVD player / driver need a pick-up head capable to read CD , so that it can read both CD and DVD .

  17. CD-RW盘是一种在尺寸、读信号方式和数据结构上和CD类盘片相兼容的可反复读写的盘片。

    CD-RW is a rewritable optical disc that is compatible with CD in size , the method of reading and data structure .

  18. 国内市场DVD-R盘片参数检测与质量分析

    Parameters measurement and quality analysis for DVD-R disc in Chinese market

  19. ATAPI规范定义了一个名为IDLEIMMEDIATE的命令,它可以闲置HDD并收回磁头以防止它们触及盘片。

    The ATAPI specification defines a command called IDLE IMMEDIATE that idles the HDD and retracts the disk heads to prevent them from hitting the platters .

  20. DVD小机芯物镜出射光主光轴与盘片在切向和径向的倾角是DVD小机芯开发、生产和检测的两个重要参数。

    The radial and tangential tilt angles between the emission laser axis of objective lens and test disc are the key parameters to develop , produce and detect the DVD traverses .

  21. 在你为孩子选购录影带及DVD光盘时,要做的第一步就是确保所选盘片适合孩子的年龄段。

    The first step that you have to keep in mind when it comes to selecting and purchasing videos and DVDs for your children is to make that they are age appropriate .

  22. 人血清白蛋白HSA的塞子极限运动,所以不会爆炸头在盘片钳和另一边,他们将不只是飞走的盘片。

    HSA stoppers limit HSA movements , so heads wouldn 't bang on the platters clamp and on the other side they wouldn 't just fly off the platters .

  23. CD-R盘片在数据备份与交换、多媒体应用、桌面出版等众多领域得到了广泛应用。

    Nowadays , CD-R disks are rapidly improved for application in the field of duplicating data , data exchanging , multimedia application and desktop publishing .

  24. 本文根据CD-R生产工艺流程,阐述各工序的质量检测要素及工艺控制方法,简要分析影响盘片质量的主要因素。

    Based on CD-R process , this paper give an introduction of CD-R test and quality control , analysis main influencing factors in CD-R production .

  25. 现在,大多数常用的企业硬盘驱动器(HDD)都受到磁头移动速度、盘片旋转速度和查找延时的限制。

    Now , the most commonly used enterprise hard disk drives ( HDDs ) are limited by the rate of head movement , the speed of the spinning platter , and seek latency .

  26. 计算结果表明:沿盘片切向的位置误差使DPD的幅值变小,在25%的范围内DPD的幅值随切向位置误差的变化系数为1.52T;

    The poison error along disk tangential direction decreases the DPD signal amplitude , and the factor is 1.52T when position error is less than 25 % .

  27. 为了保护DVD-Video媒体的产权,在播放前需要对媒体进行预解码,以保证盘片在该DVD播放机中可以正常播放。

    In order to protect the property rights of DVD-Video media , the media needs to be pre-decoded before playing to ensure that the disc in the DVD player can play normally . 5 .

  28. 最后设计盘片式传感结构,利用非平衡MZI-Sagnac型光纤传感器来探测低频信号。

    Finally , low-frequency signal is detected by unbalanced MZI-Sagnac fiber optic sensor with a disc-type design of sensing unit .

  29. 在VCU中,每当前轮失去牵引力时,浸在硅油中的交替式盘片会将扭矩传递到汽车的后桥。

    At VCU , by whenever the front wheel to lose traction , the dip in oil in turn of the disc-type torque transmission to the rear axle vehicles .

  30. 在光盘标量衍射模型的基础上,引入光电探测器的位置误差参数,根据DVD-ROM的盘片参数,计算并分析了位置误差对差动相位探测(DPD)信号的影响。

    The influence of PDIC position error on the DPD ( Differential phase detection ) signal is analyzed and computed using the DVD-ROM parameters based on the optic disk scalar diffraction model .