
  1. 建立院长任期目标责任制考核制度。

    Thirdly , establish duty checking system of leader 's tenure .

  2. 综合目标责任制管理下的住院医师培训

    Training of Hospital Resident Physicians under Administration of Comprehensive Object Obligation

  3. 关于高校学生管理目标责任制的一些思考

    On the Objective Responsibility System in Managing the Students in Universities

  4. 实行目标责任管理提高编目工作效率

    Carry out Management by Objectives and Improve Work Efficiency of Cataloguing

  5. 建立目标责任制和激励约束机制;

    Establish the target-duty system and encouragement and stipulation mechanism ;

  6. 目标责任制在分诊护理质量管理中的应用

    The application of goal responsibility in the quality management on triage nursing

  7. 第二,实施教学目标责任制是分层教学的关键。

    2 > Applying teaching objective-duty system is the key of level-teaching .

  8. 目标责任法在社区护生带教中的优势

    Advantages of Object-Responsibility Methods in Community Guidance to Practising Nurses

  9. 放活研究所搞好任期目标责任制

    Activating Institute and carrying out office - term goal duty system successfully

  10. 建立生态目标责任制等水土保持措施。

    And 5 . establishment of the eco - objective responsibility system .

  11. 武钢签订安全生产目标责任状制度概述

    The Experiences on Practicing Safety Production Target Duty Certificate System in WISCO

  12. 临床科主任目标责任年度考评的实践与体会

    Practice and experience of implementing annual object management for clinical department director

  13. 建立人才管理部门的工作目标责任制。

    Talent management departments to establish the responsibility system .

  14. 提高决策与管理水平,建立各级目标责任制;

    Improving the level of policy decision and management ;

  15. 实施目标责任成本的难点及对策&兼谈石油科研院所的成本管理

    Difficulties and Countermeasure of Target and Responsibility Cost Management

  16. 目标责任成本管理是工程项目管理的中心内容。

    The cost management by objective is the central part of engineering project management .

  17. 第二十六条国家实行环境保护目标责任制和考核评价制度。

    Article 26 . The State adopts environmental protection target accountability and performance evaluation system .

  18. 目标责任成本管理的探讨

    A probe into cost management by objective

  19. 他们表示具有设置业务目标责任的人的角色。

    They represent the role of who has the responsibility to set the Business Goals .

  20. 规章制度健全,管理完善,岗位目标责任明确。

    Sound rules and regulations , good management and the goal posts a clear duty .

  21. 企业转换经营机制时落实环境目标责任制的探讨

    Approach on Carrying Out Responsibility System of Enrironmental Protection Targets when Enterprises Transform Management Mechanisms

  22. 七是要明确目标责任,建立和完善管理体系。

    Should be the responsibility of clearly defined objectives , establish and perfect the management system .

  23. 人员聘任制度要以岗位聘任为基础,实行目标责任管理。

    Personnel employment system should be based on post employment so as to realize job responsibility administration .

  24. 本文认为,企业只有充分认识和协调运用这两个系统,把事前的目标责任与事中的监督考核以及事后的分析评价有机的结合在一起,才能正确运用杜邦分析法。

    Only integrating beforehand target responsibility into control and post-assessment can Du Pont System be perfectly used .

  25. 目标责任和责任目标管理

    Object Responsibility and its Management

  26. 进一步完善节能减排目标责任考核办法。

    We will further improve methods for assessing performance in meeting energy conservation and pollution reduction targets .

  27. 护士长任期目标责任制考核模式的相关研究

    A study on assessment approach of the targeted responsibility during the tenure of office as a head nurse

  28. 校长任期制是校长管理制度改革的重要内容,校长任期制的实践策略包括:科学界定任期时间;健全目标责任制度;

    The system of the principal 's term is an important content of reforming principal 's management system .

  29. 广东省生态公益林建设管理和效益补偿目标责任制考核体系评价

    Assessment of the Target Responsibility System of the Construction Management and Benefit Compensation of Non-commercial Forest in Guangdong Province

  30. 进一步深化综合目标责任制管理,提高军队综合服务保障能力。

    Deepen the target - responsibility management and improve the guaranty of synthetic service imposed on the military hospitals .