
  • straight hair;straight perm;HAIR CUT
  1. 你确定吗?我觉得你留直发看起来比较好看。

    Are you sure ? I think you look better with straight hair .

  2. 长长的直发,多滑稽的脸哪!

    Long straight hair , What a funny face !

  3. 格雷斯把一头长长的黑色直发盘成发髻。

    Grace had long straight dark hair which she wore in a bun .

  4. Carissa:是又见到Lexi了并且她的直发很好看。

    Carissa : It was great seeing Lexi again and with a nice , straight hairstyle .

  5. 中分是70年代潮流的关键,但是Reese选择从下巴那里开始变形,做成轻柔的小卷(2015新时尚小卷),而不是一条线的直发。

    A centre parting is a key part of the 70s trend , but Reese adds a 2015 twist by pairing it with gentle curls starting from chin-level down , rather than going for a dead-straight " do .

  6. 几大设计公司即将推出的宣传画都是以直发为主,其中包括华伦天奴、芬迪,Herm¨¨s、伯百利、普拉达、范思哲、DKNY、卡尔文·克莱恩、夏奈尔和古姿的广告。

    Major design houses are on board with print campaigns featuring straight hair , including advertisements for Valentino , Fendi , Herm ¨¨ s , Burberry , Prada , Versace , DKNY , Calvin Klein , Chanel and Gucci .

  7. 而现在,直发则有了丝般的质感,不再扁平单调,变得更加有形了。

    It 's not flat . There 's much more body .

  8. 我是直发,我姐姐的却是卷发。

    I 've got straight hair but my sister has frizzy hair .

  9. 一头齐腰的直发,而且学富五车。

    Waist of a straight hair , and the five car-fu school .

  10. 顺滑的直发加上顶端的王冠造型完美呈现了一个时尚鸡冠头。

    Slick sides and a teased crown created a fashiony faux hawk .

  11. 那位黑色直发蓝眼睛的女孩是安吉拉。

    The girl with straight black hair and blue eyes is Angela .

  12. 看到这些可怕的东西,她吓的直发抖。

    She shuddered at the sight of the terrible things .

  13. “天气恶劣,害我直发冷。”

    " Because of this cold weather , I have a chill . "

  14. 我想试探直发。可能弄直头发吗?

    I would like to try out straight hair .

  15. 如果你不小心用直发器把自己烫伤了,不要担心。

    If you accidentally burn yourself with your straighteners then don 't fear .

  16. 我觉得你留直发看起来比较好看。

    I think you look better with straight hair .

  17. 高品质专业直发器,韩国技术,中国制造。

    High quality professional Hair straightener , Korean Technology , Made in China .

  18. 使用高品质的直发器,并使用高品质的产品。

    Use a high quality hair straightener , and use high quality products .

  19. 我深得自己难堪得脸直发烫。

    I felt my face burning with embarrassment .

  20. 限制使用热力美发工具,例如直发器和卷发棒。

    Limit the use of heated styling tools like flat irons and hot rollers .

  21. 但是现在,直发卷发我都喜欢了

    But now * I like both of them

  22. 用直发器为头发增加一些曲线,增强发型结构。

    Enhance the texture of your hair by adding curves with a hair straightener .

  23. 他是金黄色直发。

    He 's got straight , fair hair .

  24. 你过去是直发吗?

    Did you use to have straight hair ?

  25. 你认为我们需要的卷发或直发器吗?

    Do you think we 'll need the curling iron or the flat iron ?

  26. 他的头发是红色的直发。

    His hair is red and straight .

  27. 魏可夫人发明了直发梳。

    Madam c.j.waiker invented the straightening comb .

  28. 我有紫色的直发了。

    I 've got straight purple hair .

  29. 她喜欢像我们这样的直发。

    She wanted straight hair like us .

  30. 要不他会以为他的孩子会有一头直发。

    Otherwise he 's gonna think his kids are gonna be born with straight hair .