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  1. 有一座塔直耸入晴朗无云的天际。

    A high turret thrusting into the bright , clear sky .

  2. 在世贸中心曾经矗立的地方,一座新的摩天大楼直耸云霄。

    Where the World Trade Center once stood , the sun glistens off a new tower that reaches towards the sky .

  3. 那玩艺儿也躲在门洞里,用它那可怕的双肩在门上擦来擦去,双肩直耸到耳朵,仿佛在笑。

    It hid in doorways too , rubbing its horrible shoulders against doors , and drawing them up to its ears , as if it were laughing .

  4. 脚下的土地显得古老而衰竭,叶子掉光了的树枝丫,直耸天际,衬托出满目荒凉的景色。

    The earth appeared old and worn , yet there was a certain barren picturesqueness in the leafless trees that raised their " bare ruined choirs " against the sky .