
zhí tōng
  • Through;straight in;direct connection
直通[zhí tōng]
  1. 一段石阶从鹅卵石路上一直向上直通城墙。

    A number of staircases ascend from the cobbled streets onto the ramparts .

  2. 这条高速公路直通沈阳。

    The expressway goes [ leads ] straight to Shenyang .

  3. 及物动词fast-track指“加快进程”;它也可以做形容词,意思是“直通的,加急的”,比如afast-trackapplicationservice特快申请服务。例句这个课程为志愿走上事业成功快车道的大学毕业生提供辅导。

    The course provides guidance for graduates who wish to get on a fast track to a successful career .

  4. 基于双向直通隧道技术的移动IP路由优化方案

    A Scheme of Route Optimization in Mobile IP Based on Bi-directional Direct Tunneling

  5. 在IPoverWDM中建立直通光路的讨论

    Discussion of Establishing Optical Bypass in IP over WDM networks

  6. 高阶各向异性k-ε模型及在直通道湍流流场中的数值研究

    A high-order anisotropic k - ε model and its numerical investigation in two dimensional turbulent flow fields

  7. 这个直通中介模块反过来调用JAX-WSweb服务。

    The pass-thru mediation module in turn calls the JAX-WS web service .

  8. 基于程控SP2开关直通的计算机系统

    Computer System Based on Programmable SP_2 - Switch Cut - through Communication

  9. 最后展望了IP网结合WDM网直通光路的发展前景。

    At last , it forecasts the future foreground of combining WDM optical bypass with IP networks .

  10. 现在,通过直通消费者模式,谷歌希望凭借自家媒体商店GooglePlay,在内容消费市场分得一杯羹。

    With a direct-to-consumers model , Google wants a piece of the content consumption market via its own media store , Google play .

  11. 传统的码流转换方法是直通级联转换(tandem)方式。

    Connecting two coders in tandem is the traditional way to realize bit streams translation .

  12. TivoliDirectoryServer和直通服务器中将要映射的属性不必具有相同名称。

    The attribute in Tivoli Directory Server and the pass-through server that are to be mapped need not have the same name .

  13. 如果此属性的值为DISABLE,那么将对此条目禁用直通身份验证。

    If the value of this attribute is_DISABLE_ , then pass-through authentication is disabled for this entry .

  14. 我们需要PrimaryTivoliDirectoryServer中的一个示例用户条目来表示必须对其执行直通身份验证的用户。

    We just need a sample user entry in the Primary Tivoli Directory Server for the users for which the pass-through authentication has to be performed .

  15. 数字集群直通模式(DM)具有组网迅速和灵活便捷等特点,在抢险救灾和紧急事件中发挥着不可替代的作用,是数字集群系统的组成部分之一。

    As direct mode operation is flexible , convenient and quick-networking , it plays an irreplaceable role in disaster and emergency .

  16. 采用CFD软件ANSYSFLOTRAN对直通型篦齿流场进行了数值模拟。

    Flow fields of straight through labyrinths are simulated by CFD software ANSYS / FLOTRAN .

  17. 您已经研究了具有直通、ServiceInvoke和Customerservice中介模块基元的中介模块应用程序的构成。

    You 've explored the composition of mediation module applications with pass-thru or Service Invoke or Customer mediation module primitives .

  18. 外管局于8月20日宣布了这项名为港股直通车的新计划,该计划要求投资者必须在中国银行(BankofCHina)天津分行开立交易账户。天津是中国东部城市。

    The new scheme , known as the through-train to Hong Kong stocks was announced by SAFE on August 20 and required investors to open trading accounts with Bank of China 's branch in the eastern city of Tianjin .

  19. 但是,如果将服务器配置来在另一个服务器上执行直通身份验证,那么TivoliDirectoryServer将继续执行以下步骤。

    However , if the server is configured to perform a pass-through authentication to another server , the Tivoli Directory Server would continue with the following steps .

  20. 在本例中,管理员负责确定在TivoliDirectoryServer和直通服务器中唯一标识该条目的属性。

    In this case , the administrator is responsible for identifying an attribute that uniquely identifies the entry in Tivoli Directory Server and in the pass-through server .

  21. UCA使用的UCA事件处理程序OrderCancelEventHandler只是一种简单的直通模式,如图35中所示。

    The UCA event handler Order Cancel Event Handler used by the UCA is just a simple pass-through pattern , as shown in Figure 35 .

  22. 100t钢包炉用直通狭缝式透气砖的研制和应用

    Manufacture and application of through-type narrow slit porous brick for 100t ladle furnace

  23. IPoverWDM是下一代网络的普遍模式,如何建立波长通道是非常重要的问题。本文就静态和动态情况分别讨论了直通光路的建立原则,介绍了相应的算法,并且各自给出例子。

    This paper discusses the principles of establishing optical bypass in IP over WDM for static and dynamic conditions , separately , introduces the corresponding algorithms and gives two examples .

  24. 超过2000名学生已经获得了凯利商学院颁发的在线MBA学位,它的在线项目凯利直通车(KelleyDirect)目前拥有728名在册学生。

    More than 2,000 students have earned Kelley MBAs online , and the school 's Kelley Direct online program currently has an enrollment of 728 students .

  25. 基于Transputer网络的直通通信技术研究

    Research On Direct communication Based on Transputer Networks

  26. 一条雅致的林荫小路沿着台北北郊的小山而上,直通一处名为GloryCentury的豪宅区。从这里可以俯瞰一条热闹的小巷,巷子里满是开在老房子里的小餐馆。

    An elegant tree-lined path leads up a small hill in the northern outskirts of Taipei to the Glory Century , a luxurious estate overlooking a busy alleyway filled with small restaurants in old buildings .

  27. 本文详细分析了Quasi-Z源逆变器的工作原理,给出了Quasi-Z源逆变器Z网络的参数设计方法,并针对Quasi-Z源逆变器提出了一种新的PWM调制策略&恒定直通电流追踪型PWM控制。

    And its Z-network parameter design is analyzed in detail . A new PWM control strategy & constant shoot-through vector current trail control is modified for Quasi-Z-source is presented in this thesis .

  28. ibm-ptaReferral:这个辅助的objectclass与一个TivoliDirectoryServer条目相关联,以定义直通服务器中特定条目的映射。

    Ibm-ptaReferral : This auxiliary objectclass is associated with a Tivoli Directory Server entry to define entry-specific mapping in the pass-through server .

  29. ibm-slapdPtaSubtree:这个必须包含的多值属性指向本地目录中的子树,TivoliDirectoryServer将对该子树执行直通身份验证。

    Ibm-slapdPtaSubtree : This must-contain , multi-valued attribute points to the sub-tree in the local directory for which Tivoli Directory Server will perform pass-through authentication .

  30. 能支持功能强大的移动台脱网直通(DMO)方式,可实现鉴权、空中接口加密和端对端加密;

    The TETRA system also supports powerful DMO mode and enables authentication , air interface encryption and end-to-end encryption .