
xiāng chéng
  • multiply;multiplication;subjugation or encroachment in five elements;invade each other
相乘 [xiāng chéng]
  • (1) [subjugation or encroachment in five elements]∶五行学说术语。借木、火、土、金、水五种物质之间互相过分制约和排斥的反常变化,来说明一脏偏亢、导致另一脏偏虚的病理。如肝气过亢可乘袭脾胃

  • (2) [invade each other]∶交互侵袭(乘,趁,意为侵袭)

  • 兵旱相乘。--贾谊《论积贮疏》

  • (3) [multiply]∶运算方法中的一则

相乘[xiāng chéng]
  1. 2和6相乘得12。

    Multiply 2 and 6 together and you get 12 .

  2. 我们把它和向量X相乘会怎样?

    What happens when multiply this with the vector X ?

  3. h与相应转速相乘,得到的乘积(?)

    _h by engine rotating speed , the products (?)

  4. 7.multiplyvt.vi.乘,(使)相乘Hissonislearningtomultiplyanddivide.他儿子正在学习乘法和除法。以3和6相乘可得18。

    One can make 18 by multiplying 3 and 6 ( together ) .

  5. 现在通过调用两个Web服务并将其响应结果相乘,可以得到以日元计价的股票报价。

    You can now obtain the stock quote in yen for a particular stock by invoking the two web services and multiplying their responses .

  6. 一旦我用一个很大的n与它相乘,它就会变得比kT大得多。

    Once we multiply it by a very large number n , it becomes very much greater than kT .

  7. 关于(BC)中的乘法算子基于延迟相乘的相关跳频信号鲁棒检测

    Robust Detection of Correlated Frequency Hopping Spread Spectrum Signals Based on Delay Multiplication

  8. 矩阵相乘Cannon并行算法在工作站机群上的实现

    Implementation of Matrix Multiple Cannon Parallel Algorithm on Cluster of Workstations

  9. 动态拍摄时的MTF用相乘律法则进行计算。

    The MTF of photochronograph is calculated with the multiply principle .

  10. 计算你的BMI指数测量你的身高,以米为单位,并将数字相乘。

    Find your BMI Work out your height in metres and multiply the figure by itself .

  11. 基于尺度相乘的Canny改进算法

    Improved Canny Edge Detection Algorithm Based on Scale Multiplication

  12. 矩阵相乘并行算法的MPI实现

    A MPI-Program for Matrix Multiplication Parallel Algorithm

  13. 关于n阶(n1,n2)型二重(r1,r2)-循环矩阵求逆及相乘的计算方法

    The Methods for Evaluating Inverse Matrices and Multiplication of Level-2 . ( r_1 , r_2 ) - Circulant Matrices of Type ( n_1 , n_2 ) of Order n

  14. TOEPLITZ矩阵、HANKEL矩阵相乘的复杂度

    On the complexity of multiplication of Toeplitz matrices and Hankel matrices

  15. 基于相乘模型交互作用的叉生分析OR值为1.35(P0.05),其结果与分层分析和单纯病例研究一致;

    The result of interaction based on multiplicative model was 1.35 ( P 0.05 ), compatible with that of stratified analysis and case only study .

  16. 对称Toeplitz矩阵相乘的快速算法

    The fast algorithm for multiplication of the symmetric Toeplitz matrices

  17. 在插值多项式的基础上导出矩阵-向量相乘的快速算法,并构造有效的预处理算子。因此,可以用诸如剩余量校正(RC)等预处理迭代方法,快速地解出积分方程。

    Thus , the integral equations can be solved efficiently by preconditioned iterative methods such as the residual correction ( RC ) scheme .

  18. 本文提出了一个能在SPICE通用电路分析程序上运行的模拟相乘器的实用化动态宏模型。

    A practical dynamic macromodel of analog multiplier suitable for the General Circuit Analysis Program SPICE is presented .

  19. 用表基数(560273条记录)与谓词过滤因子(0.0014%)相乘就获得了QUALIFIEDROWS的估计值。

    The estimate for QUALIFIED_ROWS is obtained by multiplying the table cardinality ( 560,273 records ) by the predicate filter factor ( 0.0014 % ) .

  20. PVM下矩阵相乘并行算法的研究与实现

    Implementation of Matrix Multiple Parallel Algorithm on PVM

  21. 研究了一种运行于PVM并行计算平台的矩阵相乘的并行算法。

    This paper discusses a parallel algorithm for matrix multiple which run on the PVM .

  22. 气动光学畸变波前可近似表示为低阶本征正交分解(POD)基与时间系数的相乘叠加形式。

    Aero-optical aberration wavefront can be represented as a multiplicative summation of the proper orthogonal decomposition ( POD ) basis functions and time coefficients .

  23. 使增加;使繁殖;使相乘vi.乘;繁殖;增加这个城市的人口迅速地增加。

    multiply The population of the city is multiplying rapidly .

  24. 而此时的C方法具有一定的局限性。因为确定反射和透射衍射幅度的线性方程组是通过把所有的传递矩阵相乘得到的,即所谓的T-矩阵算法。

    There are some limitations of the C method , because the system of linear equations for determining the reflected and transmitted diffraction amplitudes was derived by multiplying all transfer matrix together , which is the so-called T-matrix algorithm .

  25. 该方法将小波变换的卷积运算转换为矩阵相乘加,并根据DSP的指令和结构特点将矩阵分解,以移位运算来代替乘加运算从而大大提高了运算效率。

    In this new algorithm a fast DWT based on shift operation is developed which changes the convolution into matrix operation , and decomposes the matrix into some sub matrixes to increase the speed .

  26. 算术运算方面着重在乘法运算中对1位BCD码相乘算法作了改进,提出了相乘过程中调整的新算法;

    At multiplication , the multiplicative arithmetic of 1 bit BCD was improved and presented new arithmetic .

  27. 共形宽带六元无源定位相控阵天线的研究延迟相乘宽带LFM信号阵列测向方法

    Study of Conformal Wideband Six Elements Passive Location Phased Array A New Direction-of-Arrival Estimation Method for Wideband LFM Sources Based on Temporal Delay-and-Product

  28. 该乘法器的电路结构简单、精确度高及实现四象限相乘的特点,使之在CMOS通信集成电路,信号处理及运算电子系统中有广阔的应用前景。

    The simple circuit structure , high precision operation and four quadrant multiplying capability features make the multiplier widely applicable to CMOS communication ICs , signal processing equipments and electronic computing systems .

  29. 应用初等的组合方法和三角矩阵知识,给出了两n阶实对称循环Toeplitz矩阵相乘的一种快速算法。

    In this paper , by applying elementary combination methods and some properties of trigonometric matrix , a fast algorithm of multiplication for two n-order real symmetry-circulant Toeplitz matrices is investigated .

  30. 提出了一种基于过采样的DS-SS/BPSK信号延迟相乘相关和Duffing振子联合检测方法。

    The DS-SS / BPSK signal joint detection approach with delay multiplication correlation and Duffing oscillator is proposed in this paper .