
shěnɡ zhǔ xí
  • governor
  1. 省妇联主席刘丽鸽在讲话中指出,陕西历史文化悠久,发展民间手工艺有得天独厚的优势。

    Provincial Women 's Federation Chairman Liu dove in his speech pointed out that the long-standing history and culture of Shaanxi Province to develop traditional handicraft has a unique advantage .

  2. 知情人士透露称,这起调查与广东省前政协主席朱明国有关。

    A source close to the matter said the probe was related to the case of Zhu Mingguo former top political advisor of Guangdong .

  3. 旁遮普省星系技术委员会主席奥马尔·赛义夫博士表示,第一批手机将于今年10月份交付到农民手中。

    The first phones would be delivered in October , said Punjab Information Technology Board chairman Dr Umar Saif .

  4. 现为安徽日报主作协编辑、徽省书法家协会副主席、徽书法函授学院长、国书法家协会会员。

    Currently he is chief-editor of " Anhui Daily ", vice-chairman of Anhui Calligrapher 's Association , president of Anhui Calligraphy Correspondence School and member of chinese Calligrapher 's Association .

  5. 董小明男,1948年出生于香港。深圳画院院长、一级美术师,广东省美术家协会副主席,中国美术家协会理事。

    Dong Xiaoming , male , born in1948 in Hong Kong , President of Shenzhen Painting Academy , First-Class Artist , Vice Chairman of Guangdong Artists Association and Director of China Artists Association .

  6. 当代著名作曲家、指挥家、音乐理论家,武汉音乐学院教授,中国合唱协会常务理事,湖北省音乐家协会副主席,是我国罕有的集指挥家和作曲家于一身的音乐家。

    He is a professor in Wuhan Conservatory of Music , executive director of the China chorus association , and vice chairman of the Hubei Musicians association , who is a rare musician for being a conductor and composer at the same time .

  7. 在津巴布韦东部的马尼卡兰省,争取民主变革运动在当地的省主席说,在马尼卡兰首府穆塔雷以南90公里的地方,有一群教师失踪了。

    In eastern Zimbabwe , the chairman of the MDC 's Manicaland province reports a group of teachers had disappeared 90 kilometers south of the provincial capital Mutare .

  8. “金熊猫”奖国际纪录片评选“社会类”节目评委会主席。一级文学编辑,现任四川省广播电视学会会长,四川省电视艺术家协会主席。

    Mr Wu Baowen is a State level A Literature Editor , President of Sichuan Radio & TV Academy and Chairman of Sichuan TV Artists Association .

  9. 2006年荣获黑龙江省“十佳文艺工作者”称号,并当选黑龙江省文联副主席、黑龙江省美协主席;

    In2006 , was voted as vice Chairman of Heilongjiang Federation of Literary and Art Circles and chairman of Heilongjiang Artist Association ;