
kàn tái
  • stand;bleachers;grandstand;bleachers,stand
看台 [kàn tái]
  • [bleachers,stand] 建筑在场地旁边或周围,供观众看比赛或表演的台(多指运动场上的观众席)

看台[kàn tái]
  1. 攀岩运动员野口启代说,在人群前比赛让她获得了巨大的力量,如果没有看台上的欢呼声将难以获得这种动力和能量。

    Sport climber Akiyo Noguchi said she derives tremendous power from performing in front of a big crowd , and creating that motivation and energy will be harder without cheers from the bleachers .

  2. 我在看台上揍一个傻瓜?

    If I sparked a Jay up by the bleachers ?

  3. 比赛时大看台上座无虚席。

    The game was played to a packed grandstand .

  4. 一位愤怒的球员将他的球拍踢向了看台。

    A furious player kicked his racket into the grandstand .

  5. 足球运动员们对阶梯看台上的种族歧视发起了一场空前的运动。

    Footballers launched an unprecedented crusade against racism on the terraces

  6. 他一般在看台上观看我们的比赛。

    He regularly watched our games from the stands

  7. 就在球迷们疯狂地争斗时,看台倒坍,酿成了惨祸。

    When the football fans got into a frenzied fight , the spectators'stand collapsed , and the calamity occurred .

  8. 《并购看台》最新银行CEO薪酬榜如下:

    Here 's Deal Journal 's updated banker CEO scorecard :

  9. CBA绿色看台文化建设的价值效应分析

    Value Effects of the Construction of the CBA Green Auditorium Culture

  10. 采用双向折叠控制爆破技术拆除了一座Z型框架结构的体育场看台。

    A gymnasium stadium with a " Z-shaped " framework structure was demolished using the dual directional folding controlled blasting technology .

  11. 运用文献资料法对CBA看台文化进行系统的研究。

    A systematic research on the CBA auditorium culture was made by literature reviews .

  12. 外层的X射线和炽热的等离子气体将继续向上向外扩张,将挡球网、双方队伍、看台以及周围的居民区一一吞没——而这些都将发生在球被掷出后的第一个毫秒内。

    The shell of x-rays and superheated plasma would expand outward and upward , swallowing the backstop , both teams , the stands , and the surrounding neighborhood-all in the first microsecond .

  13. 周一晚间,Ronald从四楼看台的吸烟区坠落45尺跌落停车场。

    Ronald Lee Homer Jr. fell about 65 feet on Monday night from a fourth-level smoking area into a parking lot .

  14. 台州体育场看台18m悬挑斜梁预应力工程施工技术体育场看台施工中的抗裂防渗技术

    Construction Technique of Prestressed Engineering for 18m Inclined Girder in Stand Structure of Taizhou Stadium

  15. 伯纳斯李先生则面带微笑坐在伦敦碗中央,轻快地敲击电脑键盘,看台上闪现出一排巨大的字符:THISISFOREVERYONE。

    Mr. Berners-Lee , sitting in the center of the Olympic Stadium with a smile on his face , tapped on a computer keyboard , and then a row of giant letters flashed around the stadium : THIS IS FOR EVERYONE .

  16. 工程全部采用ADG系列脚手架和临时看台系统进行有机组合,工期为40天。

    ADG series of works by all the scaffolding and temporary stands system organic combination , for the period of40 days .

  17. 为获得作用于体育场主看台悬挑屋盖结构的脉动风速特性,采用AR法模拟得到了单点水平风及多点相关脉动风的风速时程。

    In order to study the fluctuation characteristics of the wind loads acting on the cantilevered grandstand roofs , the wind-velocity time series of the single point and some correlating points are numerically determined by the AR method .

  18. 在澳大利亚大奖赛,宝马(BMW)最近几年已在自己的大看台和餐饮区招待了近400名客户,花费近45万英镑(合63.4万美元)。

    In recent years at the Australian GP , BMW has entertained up to 400 clients with its own grandstand and bar and restaurant area costing it close to 450,000 ( $ 634,000 ) .

  19. 曼联老板周末下午将会因为在2-2战平桑德兰的比赛后对裁判AlanWiley的言论而出现在看台上。

    The Reds boss will be in the stands on Saturday afternoon as he begins a suspension for comments made about referee Alan Wiley after the2-2 draw with Sunderland in October .

  20. 周五,F1中国大奖赛的一场练习赛在上海国际赛车场举行。其间,不知怎么回事,一位车迷竟然翻过看台防护栏,在一辆赛车靠近之际飞速横穿赛道,翻过维修站的控制墙。

    Somehow , a fan managed to climb a fence and sprint across the track at the Shanghai International Circuit in the middle of a practice session on Friday , jumping over the pit wall as a car approached .

  21. 珠海国际赛车场大看台网架是一个悬臂跨为22m的大悬挑螺栓球节点网架结构.本文对此工程的结构设计与位移观测进行了简要介绍。

    The Spectators of Zhuhai International Racing Field is a nut ball connection network with 22m cantilever span . The structure design and displacement measurement are briefly introduced in this paper .

  22. 最后,我们买了100多张露天看台球票,租了一辆In-N-Out汉堡卡车,在停车场举办了一场即兴的派对。

    We ended up buying over 100 bleacher tickets , and renting an In-N-Out Burger truck for an impromptu party in the parking lot .

  23. 华南农业大学东区运动场看台是由跨度为103m的大型钢桁架主拱、21m钢桁架次拱以及膜结构组成的钢-膜组合结构屋盖。

    A steel and membrane structure is planed to build in South China Agricultural University . The span of the main arch is 103m and the span of the minor arch is 21m .

  24. 作者通过对深圳体育场看台超长结构的裂渗分析,提出了利用UEA膨胀砼对体育场看台进行裂渗控制,取消后浇带的有效理论依据,并成功地指导了该工程的施工。

    Through crack-leakage analysis of superlong concrete structure of Shenzhen Stadium , the paper proposes a crack leak control method of bleacher slabs for the stadium by using UEA expansive concrete , gives sufficient theoretical essence for eliminating back-filled joints and supervised the operation in the project successfully .

  25. 营造我国竞技体育看台文化的必要性分析

    The Necessity of Building the Auditorium Culture of Athletics in China

  26. 南京江宁体育中心体育场看台钢网壳结构分析

    Structural Analysis for Lattice Shell Structure in Stadium of Jiangning Nanjing

  27. 体育场看台水泥地面裂缝控制技术

    Crack Control Technologies for Cement Floors of Spectator Stand of Stadium

  28. 重庆大学体育馆带悬臂看台预应力框架结构设计

    Design of Prestressed Frame with Cantilever Bleachers in Chongqing University Gymnasium

  29. 某援外体育场看台裂缝原因的分析和处理

    Analysis and Treatment about Stand Fissures for a Foreign Aid Stadium

  30. 某游泳跳水馆工程看台清水混凝土施工

    As-cast Finish Concrete Construction of an Swimming and Diving Hall Projects