
  • 网络Actualization;representation of reality
  1. 在阅读过程中,联想、猜词、真实再现和重新组织在测试中的应用频率均高于学习中的频率,但总体来说,差异不显著。

    In the process of reading , the average application frequency of association , word-guessing , actualization and reformation used in testing are higher than those used in learning , but in general , the difference is not significant .

  2. 真实再现的出现告诉我们:遵循电视传播规律,发展纪实类电视节目。

    The appearance of representation of reality also suggests that we should develop TV program according its rule .

  3. 高动态范围(HighDynamicRange,HDR)场景如何在普通显示设备真实再现是阻碍这些应用发展的一个难题。

    How to display high dynamic range ( HDR ) scenes on common devices is a difficult problem to hinder these applications .

  4. NETSIM凭借其对城市道路交通现象的高精度描述,能够真实再现动态交通的随机行为,已在世界范围内得到了广泛的应用。

    NETSIM can precisely describe the urban traffic and truly replay the stochastic actions of the dynamic traffic . Therefore , it has been widely used all over the world .

  5. 真实再现:纪实类电视节目解读

    Presenting the Reality : A Study on Documentary TV Program

  6. 为真实再现路网交通流的运行规律,本文对路网交通流微观模拟的建模方法进行深入研究。

    The microscopic simulation is studied to reappearance the network traffic flow .

  7. 真实再现与纪实片的真实性

    True Reappearance and the Reliability of the Solid Slice

  8. 网络世界与人性的真实再现

    The Network World and the Emergence of Human Nature

  9. 她对会面的描述是这次团聚的真实再现。

    Her description of the meeting is an exact reproduction of the reunion .

  10. 基于多线程技术的目标航迹的真实再现

    Real reappear of target wake based on multithreading technic

  11. 色表模型可以解决不同媒体在不同观察条件、不同背景和不同环境的颜色真实再现问题。

    Color appearance model can solve faithful reproduction in different background and viewing conditions .

  12. 从被烧毁的文献中也能,真实再现其内容的现代化手段正在发明中。

    Now ways are being found of actually recreating texts even from burned fragments .

  13. 真实再现与纪录片的真实性原则并不矛盾。

    The principle of true reappearance and the slice 's reliability is not self-contradict .

  14. 第三部分探讨文人雅集对于明代中晚期社会的真实再现以及社会影响。

    The third part explores the reconstruction and social influence of the Elegant Meeting .

  15. 他舞台上的父亲并不是他的父亲康尼流斯·考芬·威廉斯的真实再现。

    All the fathers on his stage are not faithful representation of Cornelius Coffin Williams .

  16. 真实再现与历史纪录片

    True Reappearance and Historical Documentary Films

  17. “真实再现”为丰富电视画面,提高电视收视率作出一定贡献,但也引发了许多问题。

    While increasing the viewing rate , the employment of this technique also has introduced some problems .

  18. 教育技术装备的特征是:真实再现性、具象性、可重复使用性和经济性。

    The characters of education technology equipment is the true reappearance , representation , repetition application and economy .

  19. 第二步是分别对分色全息图在频域进行调制以实现用原参考光真实再现原始物光波。

    Then the primitive color holograms are modulated in the frequency domain to reconstruct object by original reference waves .

  20. 本文方法的优势在于血管段三维形态的真实再现保证了定量测量的精度。

    The advantage of this method is that true recovery of vascular morphology ensures the accuracy of quantitative measurements .

  21. 计算结果和实验结果有较好的吻合,真实再现了叶片撞击机匣的过程,成功的预测了机匣的包容能力,验证了可使用仿真计算进行包容能力校核或设计新型包容结构。

    The results coincidence validates the feasibility of prediction of blade containment capability and design new containment structures using simulation .

  22. 发掘现象内在的物理本质,是准确建立计算模型、真实再现物理现象的前提,对于这类流体动画仿真必须采用基于物理的计算机动画技术。

    Hunting the inherent physics nature from the phenomena is a condition to build accurately computation model and reproduce real-world phenomena .

  23. 并将钢材延性断裂的破坏准则和脆性断裂的断裂因子引入到有限元模型中,真实再现了梁柱连接在循环荷载下的断裂破坏过程。

    This FEM model involves steel ductility fracturecriterions and brittle fracture index and reflects beam-to-column joints under cyclical load in reality .

  24. 白居易中隐文学呈现独特的艺术风貌,真实再现写实之风中隐生活。

    Implicit in the literature showing Bai unique artistic style , realistic reproduction of the real hidden life of the wind .

  25. 交际法测试就是通过模拟或真实再现学生在日常生活中所要遇到的交际任务,来测试学生的实际的语言交际能力。

    Communicative tests aim at measuring students'real communicative competence by simulating or authentic communicative tasks that students face in their real life .

  26. 本文介绍如何利用关键帧块中的数据真实再现三维网格模型,并应用到航海上。

    This thesis introduces how makes use of the key framer data reality to reappears 3D mesh model , and apply to navigation .

  27. 虚拟植物在真实再现植物生长过程及在精确农业、遥感监测等领域都有非常广阔的应用前景。

    Virtual plant growth technique has an important significance in simulation of real plant growth process and study of digital agriculture or remote sensing field .

  28. 《可以吃的女人》是阿特伍德最早出版的一部小说,真实再现了加拿大社会中现代女性,尤其是知识女性的生存困境。

    The Edible Woman , Atwood 's first published novel , describes the existence dilemma of the Canadian modern women , especially those intellectual women .

  29. 传统色彩再现技术不能实现变观察环境下物体颜色真实再现,无法克服同色异谱现象。

    Traditional color reproduction technologies cannot achieve the faithful reproduction of the object color , and it is unable to eliminate the phenomenon of metamerism .

  30. 结果表明,该仿下颌运动并联机构可真实再现人类下颌的运动环境,机构具有良好的仿生性能。

    The results show that the jaw movement parallel mechanism can truly reproduce the movement environment of mandible , and the mechanism has well bionic performance .