
  • 网络TRUE LOVE;True Love Story
  1. 奥斯丁在讲述男女主人公寻找真爱的故事中表露了她的女性主义意识。

    Austen shows her feminist consciousness in her stories of finding true love .

  2. 爱之——甜蜜蜜这不是童话,而是一个真爱的故事。

    Sweetness It is not a fairy tale , it is a true love story .

  3. 《老爸老妈浪漫史》和当年的《老友记》相仿,讲的都是一群好友找到真爱的故事。

    Like Friends before it , How I Met Your Mother isn 't just about a group of friends trying to find love .

  4. 我一生读过许多有关真爱的童话故事

    All my life , I read about true love and fairytales , and

  5. 最普遍的憾事跟感情有关,近20%的被访者讲述了一段与真爱失之交臂的故事。

    The most common regret involved romance , with nearly one in five respondents telling a story of a missed love connection .