
  1. 收养一个真猫。

    Adopt a real cat at .

  2. 这样,现实中的真猫就永远也不会去抓住书中的老鼠了!

    In this way , the true reality will never be a cat to seize the book , the mouse !

  3. 一只机器猫能跳多远?它有一个可收缩的爪子,和有毒的舌头吗?我能把一只真猫赶跑,对这只可不行。

    And does it have retractable claws and a lethal tongue ? I would have told a real cat to get stuffed , but not this one .

  4. 我不是说楼里真有猫

    Not that there are cats in this building .

  5. 真替猫感到悲哀很明显他也想当一只狗当不成又不是我的错

    I was sad for the cat , Obviously he wanted to be a dog Wasn 't my fault he couldn 't be a dog

  6. 天呐,你真是加菲猫。

    Oh , my God , you 're the Garfield .

  7. 琴弦真的是用猫肠做的吗

    Are they really made from cat guts ?

  8. 这一切当然都不是真的,因为猫并没有表姐,也没有被请去当教母。

    All this , however , was untrue ; the cat had no cousin , and had not been asked to be godmother .

  9. 鱼儿可真多,懒懒猫和小猪乐乐钓了好多的鱼。它们把钓上来的鱼放进自己的竹篓里。

    There were so many fish ! Lazy Cat and Piggy both caught a lot of fish and they put the fish into their own bamboo crates .

  10. 如果你真的想要了解猫语的意义,你最好关注一下Meowsic(“人猫对话旋律”的缩写),这是瑞典的一项研究,五年之后才能得出结果。

    If you really want to learn the meaning of cat meows , you 're better off keeping an eye on " Meowsic " ( short for " Melody in Human-Cat Communication " ) , a Swedish study carried out over the next five years .