
  1. 真理原则和价值原则的统一;

    The unity of truth principle and value principle ;

  2. 以真理原则教导建立正确的人生目标和有价值的生命。

    Help the youth to develop a positive purpose of life and meaningful life through the Christian bible .

  3. 真理原则和价值原则是进步历史活动的两大内在原则。

    Principle of truth and principle of values are two major inner principles in the activities of progressive history .

  4. 人们在认识世界和改造世界的过程中,遵循着两个原则:一个是真理原则,一个是价值原则。

    During the process of knowing and bettering world , people conform to two principles . One is truth , another value .

  5. 主要原则有:依法原则、平等原则、论点明确原则、理由充分原则、服从真理原则、严密逻辑联系原则。

    Legal principle , equal principle , argumentation definitude principle , excuse sufficient principle , obeying the truth principle , logic strictness principle .

  6. 主体性原则是在反对中世纪宗教哲学上帝创世论中逐步确立起来的,主体原则、真理原则是其基本特征。

    It is essential and urgent , on terms of theory and practice , to probe the subjective principle of dealing with the relation of .

  7. 第五章论述科学发展观的精神实质:真理原则与价值原则辩证统一。

    The fifth chapter discusses the spiritual essence of the scientific outlook on Development : the truth principle and the value principle of dialectical unity .

  8. 坚持真理原则和价值原则的具体的历史的统一,是全面推进社会进步和发展的客观要求;

    To stick the organic unit of the truth principle and the value principle under the specific and historic situation is the objective requirement in fully promoting the social development .

  9. 本文从科学发展观产生的全球背景出发研究科学发展观理论的精神实质:真理原则和价值原则的辩证统一。

    This article from the scientific outlook on development to produce a global perspective of scientific outlook on Development Theory : the spiritual essence of the truth principle and the value principle of dialectical unity .

  10. 第三章是对科学发展观真理原则的论述,是从科学发展观的内涵、理论基础、真理原则的现实体现三方面进行阐述。

    The third chapter is on the scientific outlook on development the principle of truth is discussed , from the connotation of scientific outlook on development , theoretical basis , principle of truth reality manifests three aspects .

  11. 庞杂的证据规则研究无法提供一个清晰的理论结构图。其原因是我们总是将存在于理论当中错误观点当做毋庸置疑的真理原则运用于理论研究,并指导着实践。

    The vast and complex judicial rules could not provide a clear theoretical structure because we always take those wrong viewpoints existing in the theories for granted and apply them to theoretical research as truth to guide the practice .

  12. 马克思主义哲学把合理性看做合规律性、合目的性和合规范性的统一,主张在真理原则与价值原则的统一中探索人文社会科学的合理化发展途径。

    Marxist philosophy approaches rationality from the perspective of practice and sees rationality as a unity of law , purpose and standard , stressing the need to explore the rational ways of development in the unity of the principles of truth and the principles of value .

  13. 生命伟大永恒的真理与原则比一切宗教都早。

    The great eternal truths and principles of life antedate all religions .

  14. 能够导出其他真理的原则。

    Principles from which other truths can be derived .

  15. 坚持理性思维,主要是遵循三大原则:真理性原则,实践性原则和渐进性原则。

    Rational thought means following the principles of truth , practice and gradualism .

  16. 圣经当中的所有的真理和原则都将会帮助你成为一个满足的信徒。

    All truth and principles in the Bible will help you to be a satisfied believer .

  17. 人的实践和认识发展的历史,也就是人类真理性原则和价值性原则发展的历史。

    The history of human practice and human cognition coincides the history of development of the principles of truth and value .

  18. 人类活动的两个基本原则是真理性原则和价值性原则。

    The author observes that there are two basic principles in human activity , namely , the principle of truth and the principle of value .

  19. 道德辩护既要遵循一般的道德原则,即人为目的原则、真理性原则、和谐性原则,也要遵循社会主义的道德原则,即集体主义原则。

    Moral defense not only follows general moral principles , namely the principle of people 's aims , the principle of truth and the principle of harmony , but also follows the socialist moral principles , namely the principle of collectivism .

  20. 我们之所以记得这些句子,是因为它们反映了思想与普世真理的高尚原则和透彻明了。

    We remember them because they reflect high principle and clarity of thought and universal truths .

  21. 我认为自然规律和其他关于世界的真理之间没有原则上的区别。

    Quine : I recognize no distinction in principle between laws of nature and other true statements about the world .

  22. 第二,感性在维柯那里,不仅仅是一种必要的认识能力,在真理即创造原则下,人之感性能力在认识的同时也是一种创造。

    Second , for Vico , perception is not only a necessary cognitive ability , but also a capacity for practice and creation .

  23. 承认真理在内容上具有主观性,既不违背真理唯物论的原则,又可以加深对真理辩证法的理解。

    Acknowledging the truth has a subjectivity in content , does not violate the principle of the truth materialism , can strengthen the understanding of truth dialectics .