
  1. 这是真的吗?还是我在做梦?

    Did it really happen or did I just dream it ?

  2. 她要走是真的吗?

    Is it true she 's leaving ?

  3. “我们赢了。”——“真的吗?”

    ' We won . ' — ' No kidding ? '

  4. “哦,真的吗?”他扬起一边的眉毛说。

    ' Oh really ? ' he said , arching an eyebrow .

  5. 那是真的吗?她说得没错吗?

    Is that true ? Was she right ?

  6. 这家伙是来真的吗?

    Is this guy for real ?

  7. “我们发现那完全是个错误的决定。”——“真的吗?”

    ' We discovered it was totally the wrong decision . ' — ' Really ? '

  8. “我们看到了一颗很明亮的流星。”——“真的吗?”

    ' We saw a very bright shooting star . ' — 'Did you really ? '

  9. 呣,是真的吗?

    Oh , really ?; What ? Is that true ?

  10. 哦,是真的吗?

    Oh , is it true ?

  11. 啊!那是真的吗?

    What ! Is that true ?

  12. “那是真的吗?”“也许吧,我说不准。”

    " is it true ?"" maybe , I 'm not sure . "

  13. 你认为这是真的吗?

    Do you believe it to be true ?

  14. 然而这是真的吗?环境真的会因为我们变富而好转或恶化吗?

    But is this right ? Do things get better or worse as we get richer ?

  15. 但我们会做的”“真的吗?你们会去遛狗、喂狗、给狗洗澡吗?”

    But we 'll do it . " Really ? You 're going to walk the dog ? Feed the dog ? Bathe the dog ? "

  16. "真的吗?你要遛狗吗?喂狗?给狗洗澡?"是的,是的,是的。

    " Really ? You 're going to walk the dog ? Feed the dog ? Bathe the dog ? " Yes , yes , and yes .

  17. B:我听说经常下雨。是真的吗?

    B : I heard it rains a lot.Is that true ?

  18. B:哦,真的吗?怎么回事?

    B : Oh , really ? What is it about ?

  19. B:真的吗?你是步行爬山的吗?

    B : Really ? Did you climb the mountain on foot ?

  20. A:我想,我们可以通过使用清洁能源来解决这个问题,过上更绿色的生活。B:真的吗?

    A : We can live a greener life by using cleaner energy to solve the problem , I think . B : You do ?

  21. A:真的吗?是谁写的?B:理查德·亚当斯。他是一位伟大的英国作家。我喜欢有独特见解的作家。

    A : Really ? Who wrote it ? B : Richard Adams . He 's a great English writer . I like writers who have special opinions .

  22. B:真的吗?A:是的。明天我们要去参观黄龙洞。据说它是世界上最美丽的溶洞之一,吸引了很多游客。

    B : You do ? A : Yes . And tomorrow we are going to visit Huanglongdong . It is said to be one of the most beautiful karst caves in the world and it has interested so many travellers .

  23. 安娜:真的吗?你要在那儿待多久?

    Anna : Really ? How long are you staying there ?

  24. 海伦:真的吗?那太好了!

    Helen : Really ? That 'll be great !

  25. A:真的吗?你为什么要上课外班?

    A : You do ? Why do you have to take after-school classes ?

  26. D:哦,真的吗?嗯,我今天下午有空。

    D : Oh , really ? Well , I 'm free this afternoon .

  27. 但广告上说的是真的吗?

    But is what the advertisement says true ?

  28. "真的吗?"我很惊讶。

    " Really ? " I was surprised .

  29. 莉萨:嗨,简。我的朋友苏珊这个周末要开派对。简:真的吗?

    Lisa : Hey , Jane.My friend Susan is having a party this weekend . Jane : Really ?

  30. “邦德太太说你叫她的孩子‘讨厌鬼’,是真的吗?”

    " Mrs. Bond said that you called her child a ‘ nuisance ' . Is that true ? "